HeRO Helper Hat - Starting Bid 3m
Winner's choice of 1 of the currently released or past
HeRO Helper Hats.
GM Service - Starting Bid 3m
A GM will do a donation service equivalent of 5 dollars for you.
Note: Same restrictions apply as normal donation service.
You must use up your GM Donation service before the next month's fairy auction or your GM Service will be voided.
January HeRO Helper Hats - Starting Bid 3m
Winner will obtain all of the HeRO Helper Hats corresponding to the current month.
See this month's headgear list and their effects here.
Over 9000 Jellopies - Starting Bid 30m
RMSC 2012 Special Costume / Hair of The Strong
9001x Jellopy
1x Observer
1x +10 Flash Claw
1x Diabolus Ring
Enchantment Upgrade - Starting Bid 8m
1x Ebony Armor with +3 VIT Enchant
1x Captain's Longcoat with +3 AGI Enchant
1x Snake Spirit's Robe with +3 INT Enchant
The winner can also hand in ONE +2 stat enchanted armor which will be upgraded to a +3 enchant. The gear must be enchant-able from the Prontera or Faeheim enchanters.
Enchantment Roulette - Starting Bid 8m
1x Bone Plate with +3 STR Enchant
1x Holy Robe [1] with +3% Heal Power Enchant
1x Kandura with +3 Flee Enchant
The winner can also hand in an armor that can be enchanted in Prontera or Faeheim. When indicated by a GM, the player will roll a dice, to get a +3 stat enchant for the rolled stat: STR if 1, AGI if 2, VIT if 3, DEX if 4, INT if 5, and LUK if 6.
Costumify - Starting Bid 4m
Rainbow Hopping Poring
Rainbow Ears Feather
10x General Rune
10x Ancient Rune
10x Mystic Rune
10x Rare Rune
Winner can also trade 3 hats that can be turned into a costume by the Lutia or Faeheim costume crafter and get their costume version.