i just wanted to start a silly topic and this crossed my mind since i had a few funny tele's to share =D.
1st: my friend and I were talking in front of his girlfriend or w/e and we were being pretty bromantic in sphinx 4, after a few minutes of making ourselves look gayer than average i decided to tele away and spawned eskimo kissing my male friend making the moment all the more homo.
2nd: my second silly moment was before a nameless party i complimented a random character on their outfit and ended up going in party with her after being called a "creepy character". Apparently on the way to abbey 2, while she was hiding from a mob of banshees i tele'd right next to her with just enough time for her to say stalker before i ran for my dignity.
not the best topic but eh.
-ko'- = 99/70 loser wizard
needlework =98/68 lame priest
-hypertension- = 98/67 pushover sniper
snax =96/63(i think) why did i make this clown
-nobody- 85/42 the one day i'll trans you sage ><
Capt. K'nuckles = 96/66 the most pathetic champion
-tempest- = 95/63 lazy lazy lazy