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Auction: Tuesday, October 13, 2009 at 8:30PM (Server Time)
GM-Aki Offline
Posting Freak

Posts: 5,335
Threads: 303
Joined: Aug 2007
Auction: Tuesday, October 13, 2009 at 8:30PM (Server Time)
This month's items are

Special Anniversary Week Great Fairy Auction

-Fairies' Might Let the fairy's power bring out your strength!

[Winner's Name] Red Fairy Wing

-Fairies' Magic Let the fairy's power enhance your mind!

[Winner's Name] Blue Fairy Wing

-Fairy Queen's Law: May the Queen's words bring joy to us as we enter the 4th year!

Pixie's Letter

-Game Master's Grace (GM Service- Name/Gender Change): Even in a joyous holiday, the GMs are ready to serve~

Same as normal GM Service, only handling name/gender change exclusively.

-Game Master's Grace (GM Service- General): ... or perhaps, serve even more than ever!

Same as normal GM Service, excluding the name change and gender change option

-heRO forever: Collection of all previous heRO birthday gears! Don't miss this chance to complete your collection!

heRO Anniversary hat, Celebration Wings, heRO 3rd Anniversary Backpack, 4 delicious cake

-Pandora's Virtual Baking: Failed to try some of our admin's own baking in heRO real life meeting? Buy the virtual version here instead!

5 Delicious Cake + 10 fantastic cooking kit + 20 Cookie Bag + 10 Rainbow Cake + 10 Sesame Pastry + 10 Honey Pastry

-Aki's Endless Warp Hat Collection: Promise you won't crash this time, unless you didn't update... then sucks to be you.

Selendang, Songkok, Marcher Band Hat, Hopping Filir, Purple Velvet Hat

-Mystra's Terror: Power of the Dark Allegiance that's bestowed to the GM who stayed in heRO the longest with Pandora... do you deserve it?

(Dark Allegiance only) Executioner Hood[1], Pretty Black Ribbon, 30 Death by Chocolate, Breeze Card

-Circe's Blessings: Oink, oink?

(Light Allegiance only) Soul Wing[1], Pretty Red Ribbon, 30 Sweet Angel Cake, Savage Babe Card

-Ayu's Monster Challenge: Think you and your friends can beat a collection chosen by the creator of heRO's custom monsters?

Private special PvM party on no-exp loss map to challenge the following 3 waves of monster (quantity unspecified for non mvps):
1 Levia Lusca, Eralia, Aqua Elemental, Rhyncho, Phyla
1 Piamette, Garden Keeper, Garden Watcher, Dark Pinguicula, Pinguicula
1 Skoll, skoll pup, draco, duneyrr, dark shadow
GM will offer recall of your party and resurrection up to one per minute.
Max 12 people (a full party).

-Mass's Sole Stand: The only GM who plays a male character! What a rarity! Gotta Catch Them All!

Choice of new pet (non-boss/non-mvp/non-L/D only from a monster currently available in a map accessible to players) that will be exclusive to the player for 6 months

-Nara Style: Want to be as pretty as all the contestant's submission in Nara's banner and loading screen contest?

Exclusive hairstyle for 3 months at least (the one or ones that don't get chosen from the loading screen contest prize) + Golden Palette

-Vanadis Coding Theory: 1 year since Vanadis coded the infamous Muspelheim for heRO, how will the heroes handle it today?

Private special PvM party on no-exp loss map to challenge the following (quantity unspecified unless listed):
Eye of Surtur, Logi, Selkie, 1 Fafnir, 1 Surtur
GM will offer recall of your party and resurrection up to one per minute.
Max 12 people (a full party)

-Windslip's Technical Assistance: Most of you don't remember, but windslip was once a GM back in 2006 helping us out with tech work already! Think maybe his package here can help you too?

20 Wind Walk 10 Scrolls, 30 Aspersio 5 Scrolls, 20 Assumptio 5 Scrolls, 30 Adrenaline Rush 5 Scrolls, 20 Increase AGI 10 Scroll
[note: scrolls cannot be traded]
10-23-2010, 03:25 PM
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