loveapples Wrote:Circe, even the GM wedding that took atop of Thana tower? I doubt that would've gone for 1m... =\
Or do you mean, just plain GM weddings?
From memory, it was auctioned 3 or 4 times?
Remember that all the prices for the packages below contain everything needed for a wedding. Players don't pay the registration fee or provide the rings, etc. It can be hosted at a custom location, even aggro and exp loss ones, at the attendees own risk.
There was one held at the top of Thana by Mystra, for a pair of Revenga people, if I recall correctly. Wiki says it was sold for 2mil, which is barely above started bid, and less than normal church registration.
There was the time it went for 1mil (starting bid), and never ended up being claimed. I believe this is the wedding that the price records was lost for (May 2009). A 1mil one most definitely happened, and isn't listed in any of the price provided ones.
There was a time where I believe it was bought by a player, after being auctioned after demand, for another small amount. It was intended to be used for joke purposes, but I can't recall if it was actually claimed. Wiki says this one went for 4 mil, actually
slightly above normal Pront registration fees. :X
And, according to records, there was a 4th auctioned, at last years server birthday, also reaching 4mil.
So, in the history, there's been 4, which certainly doesn't make it cheap due to oversupply or anything. Out of those, only 2 have reached above Pront Church registration fee, and once you factor in the price of the rings ad the tux/dress, which are supplied in a GM one...
I can only find information on one that was claimed, and one that was postponed by the player indefinitely (and expired), though it is possible that the buyers dealt directly with the corresponding GMs for the other two.
In recap, they just never sold well. People were always interested (hence the one auctioned the month after the Thana one), and asked for them to be auctioned, but no one ever followed through in bidding on them.
I'm not saying we won't ever auction them again or anything, it's entirely possible we may again, but they just never seem to auction well.