Sooooo, I'm guessing no one's noticed hasn't been around for a couple years then? The latest version they released wont actually patch anymore. Gravity must have noticed it went down because the patch server that would patch the latest version went down fairly quickly after it did.
I'm going to go ahead and post some mirrors to recommend kRO installers, and just hope I don't get banned for something that's DNP because the most resent one is a server hosting site. rAthena pointed me to it I swear! - This one's a couple years out of date now but personally my favorite because it's a torrent, and it's easy to understand. - this one's the current rAthena recommended source. As long as your internet is stable I'd go with one of the Full_kRO_Renewal_20130401.exe links at the top.
In order to update the nikyzai folder, you may need to download both the patchers on and patch them, however HeRO probably doesn't have anything post the first of this month at the moment.
Oh, and before anyone points out to me that HeRO is eAthena not rAthena, as far as clients go, it doesn't matter which you use. rAthena isn't only post renewal, and the kRO folder doesn't change pre and post renewal.
You can probably find me in game if I'm on by using @who spuz.
Other then that message me here or something, not sure how often I will check it.