Here is my little shop
- lvl 3 earth spike x 2
- lvl 3 cold bolt x 5
- lvl 3 soulstrike x 11
- lvl 3 lightning bolt x 2
- lvl 3 fire bolt x 4
- lvl 3 heal x 16
- lvl 5 lightning bolt x 5
- lvl 5 cold bolt x 3
- lvl 5 soulstrike x 6
- lvl 5 fireball x 2
- lvl 5 frostdiver x 3
- lvl 5 heal x 12
- Blade(4)
- Claymore x2
- Bloody axe
- Katar(2) x 7
- Book of billows
- Arc wand(2) x2
- Gae bolg
- Katar of frozen icicle
- Broad sword(2)
- Rod(4) x3
- Rope(4)
- Ragamuffin manteau x 2
- Belt(1)
- Mace(4)
- +7 pureforge wind pike
- +6 critical jur(3), only as one skeleton soldier card in it
Armor, Shield, Headgear, etc:
- Santa hat x 21
- Big Ribbon
- Green feeler
- Ring
- Small ribbon
- Holy robe
- Fancy flower x2
- Rosary(1)
- Ninja suit
- Saint Robe(1)
- Mage coat x 5
- Romantic leaf
- Doctor band
- Ragamuffin manteau x 2
- Sunflower
- Wolf x 2
- Sea otter
- Seal x 8
- Bettle king
- Tarou x 1
- Skeleton x 3
- Ancient mummy
- Argos
- Increase soil
- Roda frog
- Andre egg x 4
- Pirate skeleton x 2
- Steel chonchon x 2
- Zombie
- Poporing x 3
- Willow
- Chonchon
- Poring x 4
- Martin
- Female thief bug
- Snake
- Myst x 2
- Marionette
- Skeleton Soldier
Dolls (for light/dark quest):
- Baphomet
- Munak x 6
- Puppet x 3
- Rocker doll
- Yoyo doll
- Poring doll
Pets, pet items and tames
- Grave keepers sword(bongun)
- tiny egg shell(shell picky)
- Monkey circlet(yoyo)
- Wig(dokebi)
- Poring x 3
- Baby desert wolf
- Lunatic
- Drop x 2
- Poison spore
- Picky
- Unripe apple x 2
- Rainbow carrot
- Dew laden moss
- Memory bookmark x 20
- Executionner glove x 5
- Worn out magic scroll x 20
- Aloe x 2
- Ment
Wanted list:
Full plate(1)
Pole axe(1)
Hydra card
Skeleton worker card
Evil ear wings
Evil wings
Elven ear
Leave offer on forum or pm me your offer on forum, but if someone asks for a price because they don't have any idea what to offer then I will just overprice like a maniac the item.

In some cases I will give a real price by pm on forum.
I'll update when things come and go.