One of my old guide from another server. I modified it a bit. Here it is (please take in consideration the date of creation) :
Ragnarok Online - Priest exp guide - AM (Level 80+)
Written by Drak
Date of creation: 02/06/2008 - June 2nd 2008
Last updated : 27/01/2010
Table Of Contents
I. Introduction
II. Stat point allocation
III. Skills
IV. Recommended Equipment
V. Where?
VI. The clean up
VII. The killing
VIII. The revival
IX. Conclusion
X. Credits
I. Introduction
Hi, I went exp to AM and surprisingly didn't see anyone. So, I had the idea to do a guide about how to xp to AM (ancient mummy), the best place for a priest in my opinion.??Why? Because of it's high xp and their drop of glove (1) which are worth a lot (PC?).
Why choosing AMs over Anubis? Well, first Anubis don?t give really nice drops. I compare to Anubis, because it?s practically the only other option for soloing with TU (turn undead) effectively IMO (in my opinion). Also, the Anubis map is kind of a pain and there isn?t a lot of them anyway? Of course, partying could be another option.
There are 3 main steps to do kill AM effectively:
1- The clean up
2- The killing
3- The revival
But first, let's start with the build.
II. Stat point allocation
Ok at lvl 80 you should be at 80 int and 80 dex. While leveling, put your int to 90 and max out your dex to 99. When reaching 99 dex, max out your int (99). The rest goes into vit after both are maxed out.
Why is dex so important? To always have the time to cast Kyrie Eleson and to reduce after cast delay. AM can OS (one shot kill) you so Kyrie is really important. Of course, dexterity is also needed to cast TU as fast as possible.
Intelligence is also really important, but the reason why not maxing it before dex is that Turn undead has a maximum chance of 70% to auto-kill an undead monster. Altough we don't exploit 70%, 50% would be way enough to kill them.
If we calculate with this formula at lvl 90: ( [ (SkillLV*2) + LUK + INT + BaseLV + (1 - TargetHP/TargetMaxHP) ] *200) /1000 % (with a max 70%)
= ([(10*2) + 38 (gloria+ job lvl bonus) + 105 (blessing + job lvl bonus) + 90 + (1-1)]*200) /1000 %
This is way enough and calculated without any equipment!
I used this site for the job lvl bonus:
And here is a calculator for TU if you don't want to make the calcul yourself:
III. Skills
The essential skills you need, as described above, are gloria for a boost of 30 luck, kyrie eleson to survive, blessing for more int and dex and TU for killing the AM
Of course, more skills are needed... My personnal build is as follow:
![[Image: 1212388348.jpg]](
Skill tree from
You can always have these instead of angelus : angelus level 2, teleport level 2, warp portal level 4, pneuma level 1, divine protection level 9
Acolyte skills:
Level 10 heal needed when doing the Clean up step which I will explain later (and of course for healing yourself if you ever need to...).
Increase agility level 10 to flee more easily from an AM and then have the time with proper dex to cast Kyrie eleson / TU.
Level 10 blessing for increased int (TU) and dex (after cast delay and casting time).
Teleportation (level1!) (prerequisite ruwach) is also essential and it even saves you from buying fly wings

. You don't really have anything else to put in anyway... See ''Where?'' and ''Clean up'' section for it's use.
Angelus level 10 is neither essential, but increased def isn't bad to have.
Divine protection level 7 isn't essentiel (prerequisite for other skills level 5) either but more def is always good to have.
Priest skills:
Kyrie Eleson level 10 needed to always save your *** from the OS of the AM.
Turn Undead level 10, to increase your chance of OSing the AM.
Gloria level 5 to have a boost of luck which is in the TU formula.
Magnificat level 5 isn't imperial, but it makes sure you never run out of sp.
Sanctuary level 10 can be useful to push back the AM and have the time to cast your spells if you don't have enough dex yet. I guess safety wall could also be used for the same purpose, but I still prefer sanctuary.
The other skills are prerequisite.
IV. Recommended Equipment
Ok first of all, I'll give you the ideal equipment to have (without considering MvP cards or SOME MvP drops).
Weapon: Divine Cross (skeggiold are easy to kill with SL ^_^) OR Survival rod (dex version preferably) + drops card
Shield: If you have survival rod, than shield + Thara frog card
Accessory: 2 gloves + 2 zerom card (no need of phen with high dex)
Footgear:??sandals+9 + firelock soldier card OR Vidar's boots
Garment: muffler + raydric OR Vali's manteau
Armor: Odin's blessing + succubus card
Head Gear up: Ulle's cap + incubus card
Head gear middle-down: Whatever lol
The reason why I still put cards that reduce neutral damage instead of undead is that even though AM are undead property type, they inflict neutral damage.
Change log : Bathory card (would be in the middle-range difficulty) can also be used to counter the OSing skill from AMs
Now, how about an easy equipment to get?
Weapon: Arcwand (all other good wands are kind of hard to get)
Shield: Shield + thief bugg egg card
Accessory: 2 clips + zerom card (the monster are easy to hunt down, but the card's not that easy to get)
Footgear: Shoes + Sohee Card
Garment: Morpheus's shawl
Armor: Silk Robe + pupa card
Head Gear up:??Circlet + elder willow card
Head gear middle-down: Decorative items
Getting max hp raised is nice for you instead of raising vit stat (even though that's not the only thing vit does).
V. Where?
You gotta go through 4 elemental dungeons (fire,ice,earth,wind) and climb the Hundred floors tower...
Actually it's pretty simple: warp to pyramids dungeon and follow these pics:
NO you don't have to follow all this crazy road, just use teleport!!
And if you ever want to not use teleport... there's a huge ''+'' & ''-'' ELITE GUARDING PROTECTOR blocking the way... So you're kind of obligated to use the skill...
Now teleport in the area in green and prepare for some space cleaning