I've since stopped this practice.??I feel it's simply a nuisance.??They never return onto that profile and don't make posts anyway.??Why bother the GM's with banning what is possibly 1/3rd the forum populace and editing their profiles???No one else seems to care anyway.??lol
Seriously, click the Member List button next to the Search button at the top of any forum page.??Go down to change where it says "ascending" to "descending" then hit the Go button.??These are the 20 most recently registered members.??I guarantee at least five of them - on this one page alone - are bots.??At this moment 9 of the 20 most recently registered members are bots.??That's almost half.??=\
Don't know what the point is, though.??I mean, do they actually see some kind of return on these ad bots?