Oh, I'm already a sarcastic bitch anyway!??:D
When it comes to ppl not paying attention to the rules, you just tell them they should have paid attention.??I feel I should only be in the retention game if the player is actually worth retaining.
Don't care to read the rules?
Feel free to figure it out for yourself.
Getting frustrated because you can't find help?
Let me assist you and introduce you to our community before you make your final decision.
Don't like being muted and/or jailed because you're a bigoted fuckhead?
>Exit heRO
>Locate and highlight your heRO directory
>Press Shift+Del
>Click "Yes"
GMs have the right to comment on negative reviews as well.??I dunno if Panda or whoever else has access to the RMS heRO page has gone in yet, but they can easily say what Kittie said above:??we have Ant Hell; Kiel quest works.
Patience is the ability to idle your motor when you feel like stripping your gears.??That's the mindset you need to have when doing anything, but especially GM'ing.??These people test you, and as much as they get to me I never let on.??I just be my normal happy-go-lucky ^_^ "this-guy-surely-has-a-bomb-hidden-on-his-person" calm self and they mostly stfu.
Those that don't are calmly and politely banned.??:D
Really it's not only a great test in patience and compassion, but a lesson in maturity.??As much as I hate these people, I can't fly off the handle.??I did fly off the handle once when this dude was talking shit to a friend of mine in the forum because he's Pinoy.??But then - just like Mahawira - Pinoy friend came in and calmed me down and said it was fine; although this person's alternative views can be quite offensive, it is only so if we allow them to be.??And he chose not to be offended.
GMing is an awesome learning experience.??
In conclusion; Sarcastic, yes.??Nagging, no.??Bitch, only when it counts.??
L. Malady Wrote:come back to us, whispers, and forgiiiiiive everything! ♥
It's more difficult when you've yourself to forgive. =\