This has been going on for, like, how many months already. I can't seem to patch correctly.
And before you comment, yes, I have added the Client to my Antivirus Program's exception list. Hell, my Antivirus program is never in use because I always turn it off.
The problem isn't that my patcher doesn't patch, it does but when it goes:
"Status : Repacking files.../ From heRO.grf
Info : data/texture/jz_xmas/winter_1d.bmp
Progress : 16336 of 19084"
It always gets stuck there. I've waited hours and hours (I'm not kidding.) I finished 2 seasons of Friends waiting for it to get past this, but after I went back to check on it, it's still at 16336. And yes, before you ask, I have installed and re-installed.
The first time I reinstalled, it worked, the second time, it didn't, the third, yes, the fourth no. I have a 50-50 chance of successfully patching every time, but it's exhausting and I need a permanent solution.
I wonder if there's like a Manual Patch.
EDIT: I checked, there isn't.
EDITEDIT: I tried to go on using the direct client (like without patching) Usually, it works, but now, everytime I try to go on it just say "Server is Closed." I checked the Control Panel and it say Server is online
Here's a picture of it: