February 16th, 2019
Hosts: GM Luna
This will replace January and February's ToH.
There will be 3 rounds: Team Monster Trial, Mass Battle, and Trivia as tiebreaker.
Monster fights are done as an allegiance, both sides go at separate times. Whichever side beats the most waves or finishes them all in the fastest times wins this round.
Mass battle is as implied, a big battle between allegiances. The light and dark side will clash in a big battle, best 2 out of 3 wins the trial.
In Team Trivia, each side picks a "captain" who will be the one to answer. For each question asked, teams have 15 seconds to think of an answer for the GM.
There will be a 15 minute time limit per round to complete the trial, no gear repairs, heals or resurrections will be provided by the hosts.
This post and its trials are subject to change at any time, with or without warning.