Always Sleepy
Posts: 9,080
Threads: 417
Joined: Apr 2015
November 23 2019 Allegiance Retro WoE
On Saturday November 23, 2019 at 8:30 PM EST, instead of a regular ToH, we will instead have a single, 30 minute Retro WoE.
- Info
- The Retro War of Emperium functions in a similar fashion to the regular WoE, but only non-trans classes and super novice are allowed to enter the castle.
- Each allegiance will pick a leader, who will be given leadership of a Lv 50 Guild and will be stationed in different entrances to the castle.
- Once the GM starts the Retro WoE, the allegiances will storm the castle and from there, anything may happen.
- Whichever guild owns the castle at the end of the WoE, will be considered the winner.
- Monsters can be found all over the castle. Participants can fight and defeat them, ignore them and carry on, buff and mob drop the opposing side, etc., as all is fair in this war.
- As with any war of emperium, if you fall in battle you can return whenever. You can also warp to town to restock, repair, etc., and return.
- For basic information regarding what WoE is like, you can check the HeRO Wiki.
- Only characters Lv 70 or higher may join, and must be in either the Light or Dark allegiance. Though, keep in mind that if you want to obtain WoE points and experience within the castle (50,000 Base/Job exp every minute) you must be Lv 85 or higher.
- Only non-trans classes and super novices are allowed to enter the event castle. The castle warps and flags will not let you in otherwise.
- All participants must be unguilded in order to join the allegiance guilds.
- As with all WoE, god items and MVP cards are automatically unequipped inside a castle.
- Once WoE ends, guild leaders must stay online to return the borrowed allegiance guild.
- Players that do not meet any of the requirements may not enter the castle. This includes those in other guilds, neutral allegiance or players below Lv 70.
- This is an Allegiance vs Allegiance event. You must put forth effort and fight and not just AFK, or you will not receive any rewards at the end.
- All participants will receive the following:
- - 10,000,000 Base and Job Experience
- 100 Battleground Points
- 10 Allegiance Points
- 1 ToH Voucher
- The winning allegiance will win the above participating prizes, plus the following:
- - 1 Old Card Album
- 1 Reset Coupon
- 1 Additional ToH Voucher
Additionally, in addition to the usual healer, warper, reset and muspel credit discounts, all members of the winning allegiance will receive guild dungeon access for 2 days (Until November 25th).
- Mersetzdeitz Castle Map (Geffen Castle 5)
- Same-Color circles are warps that connect to each other
- Portals leading to the Emperium are connected by a colored line
- Red Circles on the far northeast and far north are the castle entrance
- The yellow diamond shape is the castle Emperium.
![[Image: ntLcaZO.png]](
11-14-2019, 12:07 AM |
Always Sleepy
Posts: 9,080
Threads: 417
Joined: Apr 2015
RE: November 23 2019 Allegiance Retro WoE
As event time nears, I'll post a guide on how to use the command I created just for this event. I won't reveal the real command name until the event starts, however.
- Command Info
- You can only use this command if you're in an allegiance, and inside the event castle while the event is ongoing. You cannot use it while the GM Guild (HeRO Guardians) owns the castle.
- Upon using it you will see a menu, where you can select what troop to call.
- Attempting to call a troop is similar to using a skill. There is a 5 second cast time that can be interrupted. There is no delay to this command, unlike guild skills.
Attacking Allegiance
- If you're in the attacking allegiance guild (AKA the other allegiance conquered the castle), the command will allow to summon a knight, rogue or priest to your location. They follow the summoner like mvp followers do, even through castle portals.
- Any player can summon one, but the guild can only have one of each available class active at a time. Example: If I summon a rogue and priest to follow me, nobody else in my allegiance can summon them unless i leave the map (die, relog).
- The guild leader of the attacking allegiance can dismiss any troop that has already been summoned within the castle so that they can be resummoned again by them or someone else.
Attacking Allegiance Troop Info:
- Knight
- Highest Attack and HP out of all troops
- Has high Defense and Magic Defense
- Can use Bash, Spear Boomerang, Brandish Spear
- Will react to ranged attacks by using Spear Boomerang
- Can cause the stun status
- High HP, Average Attack Power
- Average Defense and Very High Magical Defense
- Can use Double Strafe, Triple Attack
- Can cause the stun, silence, poison and bleeding statuses at relatively low rates
- Will use strip weapon and strip shield if hit by melee skills
- High HP and Defense and Very High Magical Defense
- Uses Heal, Blessing, Increase Agility, Impositio Manus and Kyrie Eleison occasionally on allies
- Uses Magnificat, Suffragium and Angelus sporadically
- Protects herself from melee/ranged attacks with safety wall and pneuma respectively
- Uses Cure to remove Silence, and Recovery to remove Stun, Freeze, Sleep and Stone
- Sporadically Decrease Agility, Lex Divina and Lex Aeterna on opponents.
- Uses Ruwach when hit by Grimtooth, and Frost Nova when hit by physical attacks (as if using snow bunny card).
- Defending Allegiance
- If you're in the defending allegiance, you can instead station troops in certain parts of the castle
- These troops act similar to WoE Guardians, and will attack the opposing guild or support the defending guild (in the case of a priest etc).
- You can only have one class active at a time, which can be summoned by anyone, but can't be dismissed unless they are defeated by the opposing guild.
- Note that WoE Guardians can still be summoned via the regular castle steward NPC.
Defending Allegiance Troop Info:
- Super Novice
- Average HP and average Magical Attack
- High Defense and Average Magic Defense
- Can use fire, cold or lightning bolt
- Can Use Thunderstorm or Fire Ball
- Can cast Frost Diver followed by Lightning Bolt
- Protects herself from melee/ranged attacks with safety wall and pneuma respectively
- Uses Heal, Blessing, and Increase Agility occasionally on allies
- Low HP and high Magical Attack
- High Defense and Average Magic Defense
- Can use Storm Gust, Lord of Vermillion, Jupitel Thunder and Sight Blaster
- Uses Quagmire when hit by melee or ranged attacks
- Uses Safety Wall to protect itself from melee attacks
- Uses Fire Pillar and Fire Wall when idle
- High HP, Average Defense, and Very High Magical Defense
- Uses Heal, Blessing, Increase Agility, Impositio Manus and Kyrie Eleison occasionally on allies
- Uses Suffragium sporadically
- Protects herself from melee/ranged attacks with safety wall and pneuma respectively
- Uses Cure to remove Silence, and Recovery to remove Stun, Freeze, Sleep and Stone
- Sporadically Decrease Agility, Lex Divina and Lex Aeterna on opponents.
- Uses Ruwach when hit by Grimtooth
- Average HP and Magic Defense, High Defense
- High Magic Attack
- Summons parasites and can recall them to wherever he moves
- Uses Fire Bolt (Fireblend) Cold Bolt (Ice Falchion) and Jupitel Thunder (Wind Ghost Card)
- Heals himself and allies by throwing white potions
- Can cause the poison and bleeding status effects
- Average HP, Defense and Magic Defense
- Second highest Attack out of all troops
- Is often cloaked
- Uses Sonic Blow or Venom Splasher often
- If chasing, can throw venom knives or Hide and then Grimtooth
- Can cause the curse, poison, bleeding or silence status
Possible locations where a troop may be stationed:
- Southern Tower on the first room (Pink dot on the map in the first post)
- Second Room Entrance (between pink, white and blue entrance markers on the map in the first post)
- Third Room, also known as the "Pre-Emp" (Center of the room)
- Emperium Room (Yellow Marker on the map above, middle of the room)
11-23-2019, 07:54 PM |