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heROic Survival v2 October 30th, 2021 at 15:45 EDT
GM-Ayu Offline

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Joined: Jan 2008
heROic Survival v2 October 30th, 2021 at 15:45 EDT
For the last birthday event, welcome to 2021 heROic Survival v2!

Event Time
  • Saturday Oct 30th 15:45 to 17:30. 15:45 to 16:00 is party arrangement time, but please assemble even sooner if you see the need to do so.
  • There are 2 windows to join late, provided that the event is still going on. If you are late, you have to wait for those windows of opportunities.
  • Please form parties AS YOU SEE FIT before the appointed time of 16:00, and wait in Prontera. GMs will NOT help in sorting parties or be part of any parties.

Participation Requirement:
  • ... None! There is no level range or any restriction as there are no items or exp given out by the monsters on the map directly.
  • However, the higher level you are, the stronger you are, which naturally means you can contribute more. That does not mean players who are not lv 89+ cannot help though (but you should probably play more supportive or back row classes then)
  • You must be partied and cannot solo, but players can organize their own party as they see fit.
  • . If there are more participants than allowed within 1 party, players must decide on their own how to split up the party in the most advantageous way.

Event Goal
  • This is an event where all players collectively fight against the GMs
  • Players will be given a Dreamsprite who follows them
  • Players must survive with their Dreamsprites and weather the storm of relentless attacks by the GMs
  • The event is divided into 3 sections of 15 minutes each
  • At the end of each 15 min section, every player will be given a new Dreamsprite and a chance to heal up/repair/restock
  • If all dreamsprites on the map are dead, GMs win and the event ends
  • Prizes are given based on the players' abilities to keep at least 1 dreamsprite alive and resist the GMs' assault

Event Details- the Dreamsprite
  • The dreamsprite has 12000 HP, 50 def and 50 mdef
  • Dreamsprite is neutral 1, small, and formless
  • Dreamsprite has 50 in all base stats
  • When the player dies, their dreamsprite also dies immediately
  • Even if the player is resurrected, their dreamsprite remains gone for good
  • Dreamsprite does not attack so it won't suicide in some melee attack, but it doesn't know how to run either. It just follows you.
  • The only way to get a new dreamsprite is to survive until the end of each 15 min section.
  • Dreamsprite is always visible: even if you are hiding/cloaking, the dreamsprite will be right behind you.
  • If you disconnect or relog, your dreamsprite counts as dead.
  • Dreamsprite serves similar to your party members inside the instance within Hero's Journey- if you want to experiment with buffs/heals, use those as your metric

Event Details- the GM
  • There are 2 GMs
  • The GM is a killable character (demihuman race, variable size by class), with potential monsters as slaves as if she's in pvp mode. Defeat the GM and all of her slaves will die as well.
  • When a GM is killed, they will respawn and always class change to something else before they rejoin the battle
  • Although a GM will change classes after they die, GMs may switch back to a class that they have used previously in the event
  • Since a GM needs time to class change, re-gear, set skill shortcuts and restock, killing the GM is a good way to slow down the attacks and buy time
  • The GM will cheat on the 6 main stats, but no stats will be above base 99 before equipment/class level/job level modifications
  • The GM will cheat on max HP and max weight to be above player obtainable numbers
  • GMs do not need to use any SP to cast skills and they ignore weapon type requirement to use a skill (so long as their class can legally get the skill somehow)
  • The GM will be of any class, including some 3rd classes. The GM will use any abilities from that class + monster unique spells, but never use cross-class player abilities unless she has gears that grant such ability.
  • The GM's gears are top notch using any theoretically player-obtainable gears, including MVP cards or god items, but will not cheat on any gears (except for a higher max HP)
  • The GM can summon anything as slaves, or summon any monsters for assistance on the map
  • The GMs may attack at any time until an announcement is made that the current part is over
  • The GM will use any consumables, but will never use Yggdrasil berry, Yggdrasil seed or Token of Siegfried
  • All strategies, attacks and statuses are fair game: including gear breaks, hell power, unique statuses or pet/peco/falcon/cart killer
  • GMs will never use Warp Portal or Teleport
  • The GMs have warps that only GMs can use to get around the map or serve as their spawn points, but they will not teleport randomly
  • The GM may choose to kill the player directly, OR only kill the dreamsprites. GMs will do whatever they see fit to kill all dreamsprites.
  • GMs have special warps on the map, indicated as red dots on the given map. GMs can use the warps freely to escape and re-enter via any of the 5 portals.
  • Only GMs may use these portals. They do nothing for players.

Event Details- the Map/Players

[Image: sH7A30i.png]

  • Map is not very big- you can probably expect that it's slightly bigger than Payon Dungeon 1
  • All skills/items are allowed: nothing is banned
  • The map gives no exp, no items but also has no exp penalty for dying
  • Map does not allow teleport (including fly wings) or warp memo
  • Map has no water tiles
  • You cannot relog. If you got DCed or accidentally relogged/respawned, you have to wait until the end of the current 15 min block to rejoin the event.
  • You are responsible for all items and gears that you are bringing with you
  • If you have broken gears, that's too bad.
  • You have chances to use Kafra, repair and healers inbetween each 15 min sections.
  • You are free to wander the map as you see fit: is it better to kill the GMs? To stall them? or just to flee and hide from them? It is up to you.


All rewards are cumulative.

  • 5 Premium Coin Bag
  • 1 rough enriched ore

Round 1 Victory: surviving the first 15 min
  • 40 Blood Thirsts
  • 2 rough enriched ore
  • Old Card Album
  • Jewelry Box

Round 2 Victory: surviving the second 15 min
  • 60 Blood Thirsts
  • 3 rough enriched ore
  • Heroic Garment Box
  • Heroic Footwear Box

Round 3 Victory: surviving the entire event
  • Chill of Death
  • 4 rough enriched ore
  • Heroic Shield Box
  • Heroic Armor Box

Event Victory has a TOTAL of the following prizes:
  • Chill of Death
  • 100 Blood Thirst
  • 10 Rough Enriched Ore
  • 5 Premium Coin Bag
  • Heroic Shield Box
  • Heroic Armor Box
  • Heroic Garment Box
  • Heroic Footwear Box
  • Jewelry Box
  • Old Card Album

Tips and Tricks
  • Channel discord voice chat will be available
  • We've been through this before: there's no reason you don't have consumables, especially green potions
  • Low level or don't have much gears? You're still very valuable because every player who joins is an extra dreamsprite to give the entire server a wiggle room.
  • Supportive classes are generally not as gear intensive to play
  • You should meet up with other players to organize the party compositions before hand as you see fit
  • GMs are always demihuman, even if their slaves are not. Bring out those PVP gears.
  • Since you only need 1 dreamsprite to survive, it is fine for some players to die (and lose their dreamsprites) to slow down the GMs by engaging them.
  • On the other hand, if the players are confident in their ability to hold choke-points as a team, then there's reasons to huddle somewhere and turtle up.
  • Be careful of stealth assassination.
  • Huddling too tightly is not a good idea, since GMs playing a range class can easily pick off a dreamsprite from afar without engaging the players. Finding where the GMs are to have map awareness is a valuable resource.
  • Sometimes the GM's slaves are just too strong and are nearly invincible, but killing the GM will also kill all of her slaves. Sometimes, you want to rush the GM down instead.
  • Last 15 minute is not going to be fair: you just have to survive and buy time however possible.
  • Be careful of over-reliance on your pet as looter: GM will NOT assist you if your pet got forced to return to its egg and you drop valuables on the ground. You've been adequately warned.
10-23-2021, 09:22 PM
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