Requirements: Base Level 50+
Quest Reward:
Base Lv > 90 = 700k Exp from Maku and 700k Exp from Benkastein.
Base Lv > 75 = 400k Exp from Maku and 400k Exp from Benkastein.
Base Lv < 76 = 200k Exp from Maku and 200k Exp from Benkastein.
You only get 700k if your 90 or greater,
Were you 90 + ?
Flossy - The Real Meaning
Word used to define someone who is really intelligent but a bit stupid or an airhead.
A "Flossy" would say "I have a Phd in you think we can sit on chairs underwater ?"
"My IQ is 160, But i think red cars are faster than blue ones"
^ WHAT !! Thats BS~!!! Blue cars are FASTER !!~~~~~!!!~~
Well, again, certain SVNs have messed up exp parts from npc,s like I know 3 SVNs that the curse of gae bolg doesn't give you exp, and things like that.
also, Floosy..
"^CCCCCCMr.Robo Flossy^000000" Isn't right, NPC names are 1 color and 1 color only unless changed in your .exe through an unknown hex.