Um, I don't know how to start...

Well, I'm a 19 years old guy and I live in Hungary. I'm playing Ragnarok since 2005 with bigger-smaller pauses in it. In the last years I was an admin/gm on a server, but because of that I couldn't really enjoy the game itself (duh, it's kinda tough to be always nice to everyone etc..), so I decided to stop playing. It's been like 5 months ago, and now I decided to find a place where I can make new friends and bring back some good ol' memories about the game.
The server itself seems really nice for me, not too big, not too small, and the first experiences were awesome too (Looks like the community is really friendly here, highfive for someone called ingame "Shooting Stars" ;D)
I don't know what else should I say right now. I love How I met Your mother, My favourite class was Priest earlier, I'm a real
music lover and I really like Pancake.
I'll see how things are gonna work on this server, but I already feel like home there =)
Have a nice day