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Oldcat Survivors
Edomae Offline
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Oldcat Survivors
[Image: old_su12.jpg]

[Image: soft_f10.gif]Informations :

Nom de la guilde : Oldcat survivors

Emblem : [Image: logo_d10.jpg]

Guild Master: Saigono

Sub GMs: Edomae

Respawn : Umbala

Membre: 5~10

Forum :

[Image: soft_f10.gif]Histoire de la Guilde:

Tout commen?a il y a fort longtemps ( 6 ans ) sur un serveur qui s'appelait Oldcat o? une bande de copain fond-aire une guilde qui se nomma Oldcat survivors, ils ?taient nombreux motiv?s et faisaient r?guli?rement des sorties ensemble ainsi que la woe , mais comme c'?tait leur premier serveur, ils n'?taient pas tr?s exp?riment?s mais, ils apprirent vite, la guilde ?volua aussi tr?s vite.

Jusqu'aux jours o? le serveur ferma et les membres de la guilde se dissipa, ils ne restaient que peu d'entre eux, mais ils continu?rent de jouer quelque temps sur middle, low, high mais un jours la guilde tomba dans les t?n?bres et n'?tait rien que poussi?re (guilde delet) et la totalit? des joueurs arr?ta de jouer ? part un seul qui continua son aventure seul Edomae alias Saguait pendant un certain temps jusqu'aux jours o? un de ses anciens camarades Naiserband d'Oldcat survivors vint lui parler et lui dit:

-Edomae, il est temps de reconstruire notre guilde sur un nouveau royaume quand dis-tu?
Edomae surpris, ne s'est quoi r?pondre mais il finit pas r?pondre et dit:
-Quand? sur quel royaume veux-tu reconstruire Oldcat survivors?
Naiser lui lan?a:
- Sur un royaume tr?s peupl? qui se nomme Hero Serveur, il y a de puissants guerriers l?-bas.
Edomae lui dit:
-Naiser as-tu oubli? que la moiti? de notre arm?e n'existe plus!!!!!
Naiserband tourna le dos ? Edomae et lui dit:
-Pr?f?res-tu rester le vagabond qui change de royaume constamment qui n'a bient?t plus la foi ni la motivation de combattre ou pr?f?res-tu redevenir l'ancien Edomae qui avait une motivation et une foi hors du commun?
Edomae mis la main sur l'?paule de Naiser et dit:
-Je te laisse retrouver nos anciens guerriers
Naiserband lui r?pondis:
-Nos anciens guerriers h?las, ne reviendront pas!
Edomae lui dit:
-Et les ?lites, quand est-il d'eux?
Naiserband r?pondit avec un grand sourire:
-Eux AHahahahhahahahaah, ils sont pr?ts, ils se sont d?j? installer sur le royaume, nous n'attendons plus que toi Edomae revient parmi nous!!!!!!!!!
Edomae leva la t?te et regarda le ciel et dit:
-J'esp?re que les dieux seront avec nous, AHHAhAAHhahhah!!!

Ils partirent retrouver leurs anciens camarades d'armes et reconstruire Oldcat survivors ensemble plus motiv?s que jamais!

[Image: soft_f10.gif]But de la guilde :

Pour l'instant, nous ne voulons pas commencer les Woe mais nous faisons les choses suivantes:

-Sortie pex
-Sortie Drop/ stuff
-Sortie Mvp
-Event DB,BB

Notre guilde, ne recherche pas la quantit? mais la qualit?, nous sommes une famille, nous nous aidons constamment, toutes les personnes de la guilde sont au m?me rangs c'est-?-dire qu'il y a un grand respect entre guildiens et nous d?sirons garder ce respect! ainsi que la bonne humeur et la joie!

Comme dit plus haut, nous faisons actuellement des sorties et des qu?tes! Concerant les Woe nous ne nous lan?ons pas encore car nous sommes nouveaux et nous n'avons pas encore achev? nos stuff

[Image: soft_f10.gif]Recrutement

Le recrutement se d?roule actuellement in Game o? vous subirez un questionnaire mais vous pouvez aussi le passer via le forum qui n'est pas obligatoire pour l'instant.

Nous sommes une guilde francophone et cherchons des joueurs francophone mais beaucoup de membres parles aussi Allemand, Anglais.

Les gens qui viennent juste pour que l'on les aide ? se stuff et repartent une fois stuff qui n'ont aucun respect et ne participe jamais au event de la guilde veuillez vous abstenir.

[Image: soft_f10.gif]Alliance

Nous sommes actuellement en alliance avec Behemoth et Bamboo squad

Informations :

Guild Name : Oldcat survivors

Emblem :[Image: logo_d10.jpg]

Guild Master: Saigono

Sub GMs: Edomae

Respawn : Umbala

Members: 5~10

Forum :

Guilde history:

Everything began a long time ago(6 years) on a server called Oldcat, on which some buddies founded the Oldcat survivors. They where motivated and planified , many guild activities such as WoE. It was they're first server, but they learned as fast as babies learn to breath. They're guild also evolved pretty fast.

Until one day, the server died and the members went they're ways. Only a few remained, those played on middles, lows and highs but eventually the guild fell down into the darkness and only dust was left. Only Edomae(aka Saguait) went on and lived his adventure until one day,Naiserband, one of his old comrades told him:

-Edomae it is time to rebuild our Guild in a new Kingdom, what do you think?

Edomae was surprised, he couldn't answer only after taking a few breaths and said:
-When? What Kingdom are we speaking about?

Naiser answered:
-This really crowded Kingdom called Hero, Powerfull warriors live there.

Edomae Shouted:

Naiserband turned arround and said:
-So you'd rather stay a lone wolf, travelling from kingdom to knigdom without goal to achieve, or would you come with me, to restore your past glory?

Edomae put his hand on Naiser's shoulder:
-Find our members, make em come back.

-They wont.

-And the top warriors of our Guild, what about them?

Naiserband answered with a wide grin:
-Well, they hahahAhahAHhahAHAHAHAh, they are already there waiting for your comeback!

Edomae looked to the sky and said:
-I hope the Gods are on our side this time, AhhAHahhaha!!!

Oldcat Survivors was born once again, with more motivation than ever before.

Guild Goal

For now, we wont WoE, but we will:

-Organise exp teams
-Organise drop and stuff teams
-Organise mvp hunts
-Organise DB and BB events

Our Guild doesn't look for quantity, but for quality. We are a family, we help each other, every guild member is on the same hierarchic level, there is much respect between the guild members and we would like to keep it that way. As well as the good mood.

Just as you can see up there, we do organise teams and quests! We wont WoE for now, since we haven't finished our stuff yet, cause we are pretty new on this server.


The recruitement will be through this forum and shouldn't be too hard if you aren't socialy handicapped, in game talk is ok as well.

We are a french speaking guild and are looking for french speaking members, but we also have german and english speaking members.

We wont make extra hard requirements for the guild members but as said before, we look for quality not quantity. If you come just to take our help and our items and then just leave or never connect again, then you better stay away

(This post was last modified: 09-27-2010, 01:48 AM by Edomae.)
09-26-2010, 04:48 PM
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Shikari Offline

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RE: Oldcat Survivors
Best recruitment thread ever. Good luck guys, and welcome to the ones that come from other places~
[Image: 2wnxvtw.png]

Proud Member of Desolation of Eden
09-26-2010, 05:09 PM
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GM-Aki Offline
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RE: Oldcat Survivors
Welcome to the server.

But, I must put on my GM hat and say...

Main forum rule
If you post a picture in a thread and the size is bigger than 640x480, put the link only without the [img] tags. AKA don't stretch the forum pages
09-26-2010, 08:24 PM
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