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Help me XD!
Manifus Offline
Infinite Zero

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RE:??Help me XD!
Tenshi Wrote:
Manifus Wrote:arguing with me is like running in the special olympics,
no matter who wins your still mentally retarded Icon_smile

so I poses a mentally retarded thus I own Manifus

I doubt you even own yourself
06-04-2006, 02:12 AM
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Tenshi Offline
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RE: Help me XD!
You can doubt the truth but the truth will never change only things around the truth that change.
since we were discussing you and I exclusively
and you used YOUR which indicates possession

Tenshi Wrote:[...]

Manifus Wrote:Let me explain this in terms you would understand,

arguing with me is like running in the special olympics,
no matter who wins your still retarded

Do note that it should be you are or you're and not your as your means to possess.

Merriam Webster Wrote:your
Pronunciation: y&r, 'yur, 'yOr, 'yor
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English Eower; akin to Old English Eow you -- more at YOU
1 : of or relating to you or yourself or yourselves especially as possessor or possessors <your bodies>, agent or agents <your contributions>, or object or objects of an action <your discharge>
(to learn more Click Here AND Click Here AND Click Here)
(notice that he has not corrected it when I pointed this fault out and thus Manifus loses this round)
and since it is a FACT that i have ownership over my choices
therefore the conclusion which is TRUTH is that I own a mentally retarded Manifus
[Image: 180da8wb2.gif]

I am the stone that the builder refused
Amicule, deliciae, num is sum qui mentiar tibi?
06-05-2006, 11:50 PM
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tickyhead Offline
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RE: Help me XD!
Okay, here, let me type it correctly for you both.

Fighting for page, upon page, upon page in a forum, over something so trivial as you two idiots are, and have been doing lately, is like running in the special olympics: no matter who wins, you're BOTH retarded. And annoying. But mostly retarded.

Honestly, every other damn post I read on the forum now is Tenshi vs. Manifus. I'm TIRED of this! You jerks take almost every topic you post on and turn it into a battle zone, while everyone else who may or may not want to post on and/or just read the damn topic is forced to muck through your constant bickering. You sound like an old married couple that just argue with each other all freakin' day! How about you take it to the PMs next time?

I mean, for god's sake, have you LOOKED at what your arguments look like? Tenshi, you sound like a pompus, overbearing, nitpicky zealot, who's only joy in life comes from demeaning others, especially manifus, but instead of giving up when manifus remains undeterred, you just DON'T STOP. TAKE A BLOODY HINT ALREADY. So manifus is a perv, (that is the original topic of debate, is it not?) so are a ton of other people out there. So some people don't conform to your standards of "commitment" or a "better" use of their minds, or whatever the hell you got angry about. Get over it.

And Manifus, you are not making this any better either. It would be really easy to just blow the whole thing off with a simple apology, or even just by not posting, but nooooo, you have to egg him on whenever you get the chance! Yeah, that's a great idea. Since when did acting like a bratty five year old become so popular? There's a really good quote that fits here: "stupidity is doing the same thing over and over, and expecting different results." Or something along those lines. I've always been bad with remembering things word for word.

Mind you I'm speaking from the view of one who is on the sidelines. I'm sure you guys have hated each other for a long time, probably have a lot of history of ripping each other's digital throats out, and probably don't want some interloper coming in and ruining your "fun," but honestly, there are fine lines between an argument, a rivalry, and a senseless flamefest, and you guys passed both lines a long time ago.

Also mind you that I've been awake for........uh........well a lot longer than I should be at this point, my mind is rotted from hours of playing Kingdom Hearts, (yeah, the first one. You'd think after owning the game for years I'd actually bother finishing it BEFORE the sequel(s) came out), and I'll probably forget most of this and regret what little I remember in the morning. If I sound high-strung or something, I probably am at this point....It's a good thing I hate coffee, I can't imagine what I'd be like if I added caffiene to this....

Now, if you guys still want to fight, take on to the PMs, or whisper nasty things to each other in game, I don't really care. By all means, keep fighting if you want. Hell, you could even make a new forum post just for you two to duke it out in. Just don't do it on a topic that is not yours, and was not intended for it.

So can we all go back to the original topic of sig images for hitoo, or am I going to have to break out the heavy artillery?
06-06-2006, 06:12 AM
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Manifus Offline
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RE: Help me XD!
1.) PLease break out heavy artillery, I like it when yo state your mind
2.) I did stop posting, not my fault if no one noticed.
3.) If you haven't noticed, probably less than 10% of the server population actually even reads the forums sadly. I wish more people would use it, but usually its just tenshi so theres really not anything better to do =\
4.) You probably won't have to worry about hearing from me much in the future anyways
5.) Your like my friend jubjub, always funnest when sleep deprieved Icon_lol <3
06-06-2006, 04:31 PM
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Motenai_Ronin Offline
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RE: Help me XD!
oh i'm pretty much here almost every day 83.
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06-06-2006, 04:46 PM
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