Quote:Will says:
If they ever tell my story, let them say I walked with giants. Men rise and fall like the winter wheat, but these names will never die. Let them say I lived in the time of Proto, raper of noobs. Let them say, I lived, In the time, Of Pnut.
Aeolian (99/69 High priestess) - A helping hand
Aeolia (99/70 Professor) - Let me teach you a lesson
Aeo (99/50 Perma monk) - Aldebaran Battle Maiden
Aella (99/69 Sniper) - Quick and easy
Rhianna (98/69 Gypsy) - Free services in full
Lheanne (96/64 Assassin Cross) - Demanding dominatrix
Rhia (98/65 Creator) - Open to experimentation
Hey hey Happy Birthday indeed! What plans have you mm? Rather..what did you do? RATHER...what are you allowed to tell about? ~_^ Oh ho ho!
I do what I can.
"*gasp* You have HOW many of that item?"
I'm freaking Kalain baby. Accept no substitutes.
Kalain - Lord Knight 99/69
Bomoke - Blacksmith - 8x/4x
bool freeTime = false;
(To everyone. I haven't been on much, and I didn't really give much of a goodbye because I've been in contact with some people. Do message me on Yahoo or MSN if you like. I'll come back..just not ready yet.)