This is never just a yes/no sort of question.
I'll requote a recent post that covers, so a degree, flat questions like this, then expand after.
GM-Circe Wrote:These "maybe you should script it for them then!" claims always make me nervous.
I always imagine all these little players running out and putting all this work into a script and then giving it to us and us saying "Sorry. But we can script. That's not always the reason why something is not in." and then have to explain some priorities or other sides, or the fact that we just don't want it in some cases to them while they feel all down and have gone to all that work. D:
Please, if you ever are going to script something to give to us, always ask a GM about it first, or send in a support ticket. Because I don't want you potentially wasting your time and the such.
I honestly think it's always for the best to simply Support Ticket an outline of your idea, and always tack on something like "If you're interested, I can provide a more indepth overview", to save you typing up an overview essay incase we're not interested, too.
Now, to go on to answer the question.
To a degree, yes.
Every T&D player will have probably seen the few open scripting jobs we have available for players to complete in the T&D forums. This, I imagine, can also expand to players scripting ideas they supplied, too.
We won't add something simply because a player scripted/coded it. This just leaves too much area for abuse and the such. I guarantee if we did this, the very first script we'd receive would be GM commands available to certain players only via script functions. >.>
Should we approve a player's idea and their offer to script it (and
I can't stress enough the importance of providing an overview/specifics to us via Support Ticket first for approval), then it can still be a long road to server implementation.
If approved, once you pass us the file, us GMs then still need to check over the script for any potential exploits or issues, test it, change around anything that needs changing (either for easier workability, decreasing the amount of variables, etc), retest, release to T&D for player testing, and then at some stage, to the live server.
Depending on the state of the script, this can be a long or short journey. If the script needs a lot of testing or fixing up, then it will likely be moved down our priority scale, due to the time it would take to fix when we have other things that need that time more, at that moment.
We also don't really offer scripting lessons, so to speak, so if we like a script idea on paper, and then receive something that needs a lottt of work to even get running, we may decide it may not be worth the time at all. :X
The idea of players scripting is for the player to script. Not to start something and then force us into completing it.
Now, a couple of other things to address from your post:
Does your coder's bible cover RO coding or RO scripting?
The coding RO runs on is majorly C++. This controls all the back ends, and commands, etc.
Scripting is.. well, what the scripts run off. Quests, etc.
Another thing I wonder at, is just what this event would entail. Is it a one off event, or an automated event , or an event with an NPC to provide GM "backup".
At the moment, most player events are run soley by GM power. While Fabre Tame and Zombie run have recently been automated, prior to that, Poring Tame was the only event I can think of that previously used an NPC at any step, and this was to speed up the giving of tames and collecting the eggs.
Either way, I strongly suggest providing an outline of your idea to us via Support Ticket, because this is pretty much the deciding factor if a player made script would end up being implemented at some time or another.