?Time to Dance? Wrote:Try making another character with the same name?
Like Circe said, that won't work.
Lets take another example. Forged or brewed potions.
They have??their creators names??written onto the item in blue text.??If "Jonny Smith" forges a Very Very Strong Fire Bastard Sword, it'll Read "Jonny Smith's Very Very Strong Fire Bastard Sword".??If Jonny smith Deletes his character, that will change to??"Unknown's Very Very Strong Fire Bastard Sword". But it won't change back to "Jonny Smith's Very Very Strong Fire Bastard Sword" if the dude remakes the character with the same name, it'll stay "Unknown's"
Unless the??Bee Wing quest was account bound (which i don't see why it isn't), only the character that made the wings will be??able to change it. You delete the character, you delete EVERYTHING the game associates with that said character, quests, items with your name, GM-Induced Status (lol-mute/Permafreeze/Jail). Quite frankly, that character Ceases to exist. It's like if you went back in time and??prevented??his dad from knocking up his mom that one faithful night. He simply vanishes. Poof! Noone knows who he is/was. But that is a flawed example, because all the items he farmed or created will still exist (assuming they weren't on the character at the time of deletion), just his name will be wiped from them (if they are marked).