I'm thinking about resetting my paladin to be more BG/WOE support oriented however I'm divided on wether to get Heal or not. Any BG/WOE'ers familiar with paladins can share their thoughts?
Saves on potion costs
Can heal others
Slow to cast and long aftercast without bragi
Potting heals faster without interupting regular actions
Takes a lot of skill points to get (skill points that can be used on other skills)
Needs high Int to be effective
Just @who2 Menace ingame. You should find me if I'm on. thanks!
Usually Heal isn't worth the time/sp like Marco also already said. Other then that heal has quite a delay therefor its much better/faster to use pots and save the skill points you want(ed) to use for Heal on other skills such as pressure etc. Hope this helps a little.
Time zone GTM+1
Kittie- 99/70 Brewer Creator Do a Little Dance 99/70 WoE Gypsy
All of what the other people said. Generally better to be doing other tasks like maintaining your buffs and/or moving your bum to avoid attacks (or not, depending on your playstyle)
I would consider getting heal to get providence (seeing as how lvl 5 heal is a pre-req), but that generally come more into play in MVP-ing and not woe, unless your breakers are wearing ED armors and someone is sancing the emp/asperio-ing people. that Holy resist might come in handy, but hardly a necessity.
No. Just No. You either should go 2 builds if going a bg/woe paladin. If a full support build, you get devo, gospel, pressure, while maxing out vit/dex. If you wanna go a killer build that can kill all the noob sinx on this server. Go a pure shield build with boom, chain, gospel (can be level one because it gets rid of strip at all levels). People need to rely on their own resources and honestly since a peco gives extra weight, you can hold fat whites in bg no problem.