This is a rougher idea than my
last one, but I wanted to put it out there anyway to see what thoughts people might have. This is probably the sort of event folks would want to gather people for to make sure that the number of participants isn't stacked super unfairly. Rahice and I were talking about it and wondering if there would be a way, too, to incorporate neutrals into it somehow, but if that were the case I'm not sure how the prizes would work for them. If anyone has suggestions to that end, I'd love to hear them! But I kind of envisioned this as an allegiance-only event, so that's what the write-up looks like. That all being said...
Light vs. Dark Novice Event -
I Poke You Dead (thanks to Rahice for the title! XD)
Styla Palette: same as ToH
Players will start with enough job levels to be able to form parties.
During the first round, players will be warped to separate maps based on their allegiance (Light players on one, Dark on the other.) Players on each map will each start with 10 Magnifiers (unless the monsters can drop gears that don't need to be revealed?), and they will have 3~5 minutes to whack monsters to try to level and gear up for the fight ahead! Monsters may drop Novice red pots, level 3 bolt and heal scrolls, and novice-only gears (like the ones given to you at the training grounds). Players may want to consult with one another as to who will boost what stats, if some players would rather do melee and others would rather cast spells, and assign their stats accordingly. If people think it'd be a good idea, I thought it would also be fun if all players are given the First Aid and Play Dead skills.
When the 3~5 minutes are up, players will be warped to the ToH Mass Battle map, and from there it will play out like the ToH mass battle except with significantly lesser gears and buffs. Time will be given for strategizing (for example, players may agree to give all of their Heal scrolls to one person with high INT and designate that person as their healer, and give all their bolt scrolls to another to act as a mage!novice, or they may choose to free-for-all with whatever each person collected, etc.), and then the two sides will POKE EACH OTHER TO DEATH!
Participation Prizes:
Deviruchi Card/False Angel Card (depending on allegiance; both are Hatter)
5 Allegiance Points
Prize for Winning Side:
10 Dark/Light Tokens
Consolation Prize for Losing Side:
5 Dark/Light Tokens
Tokens would be unique to this event (like Taini Stars are unique to Novices vs. Taini) and can be collected and turned in to Sir Melot/Lady Thea for prizes. The following prices are ESTIMATED; I don't know what people would find fair but I tried to rank them based on their rankings in other automated events:
Rough Enriched Ore - 100 Tokens
OCA - 90 Tokens
Jewelry Box - 80 Tokens
DCA - 70 Tokens
Event Bag - 60 Tokens
BG Key - 50 Tokens
OPB - 40 Tokens
Bloody Branch - 30 Tokens
Gold - 20 Tokens
OBB - 10 Tokens
So basically, it's a novice knock-em-out fight between the allegiances.
