Whilst farming for Hodremlin card the other day, I realized something. The Experience is completely wasted on me and my dead-since-conception guild. And so I'm offering to Leech, with a catch.
The way I kill is with Magnus Excorcismus. With Bless, it's about a 2-sec cast time, and does anywhere from 10-15 k per wave (Easily enough to 1-2 shot a Hodremlin). My priest does a pretty good job at mobbing them solo, but it's not enough for my desires, and if I mob more, I'd die during the cast/after cast delay. If you want the leech, I need bodies to run and gather as many hodremlin as possible. If you can kill stray seekers, that's a huge bonus~
In return, loots will be shared as will the exp. Meaning any of the card drops you get are yours, with lots of zeny from the OC'ed Bloody Runes and Will's of Darkness as well as the Witched Starsands that many Alchemists will pay handsomely for.
You'd have to be 89-98 to qualify for this leech. Look for Oolong in game, or PM me in forums and we can set up a time from which we will make their demon blood rain.
This is the map we will be farming. I took the liberty of putting a red line through the center of the map. North of that line is where the seekers live. Generally, they're nice and respect that territorial line, but sometimes they wander a bit and really mess stuff up. Below that, that's primetime hodremlin hunting territory. While there are some that spawn in seeker territory, it's really not worth the hassle up there.