The Wizard and Sage guilds recently made a statement claiming to have found a way to defeat Eudoxie and Ostellos, with the help of
Pixie. While they have not specified what exactly it may be, they assure the governments and the press that it will be 100% effective. However, they do need certain materials for it, and are requesting the help of any heroes who may have them, to hand them over to Agent Selene Winterfield.
To create the mysterious item, the wizard and sage guilds require the following materials:
- 50 General Runes (Reward: 1 OCA, 1 Hat Voucher, and 20 Rough Enriched Ores) - Completed by Vanira, reward given
- 30 Oridecon (Reward: 1 DCA) - Completed by Manifus, reward given
- 30 Elunium (Reward: 1 DCA), obtained from mining and a plethora of monsters - Completed by Pyo!, trade pending.
- 25 Refined Bradium (Reward: 1 DCA), dropped by Bradium Golems - Completed by ShAvEnZ, reward given
- 20 Gold (Reward: 1 OCA), obtained from mining, gift boxes, etc - Completed by Bloop, reward given
- 15 Citrin (Reward: 1 DCA), obtained from mining, Chimera and Gorgimera - Completed by Okama, reward given
- 10 Dark Pieces (Reward: 1 DCA), dropped by Rata, Duneyrr, Umbra, Tenebris and Revenants - Completed by Fazil Reis, reward given
- 10 Light Granules (Reward: 1 DCA), Dropped from King Kray and Sropho - Completed by Parrie, reward given
To hand in a set of items, please post a screenshot on this thread with the required amount of items in your inventory, and don't forget to mention your character name! The first people that do will be PM'd by GM-Ciar ingame during the following days to complete the trade.
Note: A player can only turn in a full set, and may do so only once.