The Midgard Times
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RE: Chronicles of Heroes ~ Judge, Jury, Executioner
Judge, Jury, Executioner ~ Irreconcilable Differences
Tonight, Kushiel stormed into the Dark Allegiance's Headquarters southeast of Prontera. The heroes had a plan were such an attack to occur, and lured him to an arena, where he was ambushed by Rajnish of the Dark Council.
The two fought fiercely after exchanging words, but in the end, Rajnish managed to defeat him using old magical contraptions known as Seal Forces and Trap Forces. Lord Matthew, with great satisfaction, cuffed Kushiel, who was warped to Yuno to be taken to the International Courts.
No one expected what would happen next, however.
The defeated golems that were left inside the Dark Allegiance's headquarters began to blow up. Everyone ran for the exit as fast as they could, but not all could make it. Currently, more than 25 are confirmed dead, from both allegiances. Several survivors were found in the rubble, among them Rajnish. These were taken to the nearest hospital.
Reports indicate Rajnish's condition is grave, but stable. Most others are not faring well, however.
The security measures at Yuno's prison have increased drastically since The Golemancer was interned. A preliminary hearing will be held next week, though we've received some reports he will choose to waive said hearing and proceed directly to trial.
The sentence for only Kushiel's most recent act is death, but several Light Siders have already raised their voice in protest, with their usual claims against the death sentence. They also claim Kushiel is not mentally stable (and thus unfit to stand trial), suggesting he return to a mental institution instead.
We tried getting a response from Sir Melot regarding the attack, as well as his opinion on the Lightsiders' opposition to Kushiel's possible death sentence.
"This man is a threat to the world. He has hijacked ships, stolen valuable ores, risked an eruption of Thor Volcano by drilling into it, armed the fairies for their invasion of Rune-Midgard, stole a fragment of Ymir's Heart from Cheshrummir, and now killed all these people to punish us.
He cannot possibly be allowed to live. It is an outrage to even have such a thought!"
With The Golemancer's capture, the temporary alliance between the two allegiances ends. Only foreshadowings of possible future conflicts remain, over the life or death of one man.
12-11-2015, 12:40 AM |
Ethereal Engineer
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RE: Chronicles of Heroes ~ Judge, Jury, Executioner
"Death is a finality. It is not one the Golemancer deserves."
Ezekiel would leave those words vague, and to each person's interpretation after passing by a group discussing the latest news from The Midgard Times. Looking above, watching the snow as it fell from Prontera's sky, something gnawed at him.
From what he could tell so far, Kushiel had to be near to command his creations. But last night, the Golemancer clearly was long and far gone, yet somehow the golems turned into bombs as he and the others began to relax their guard after Rajnish's battle with the mage.
The alliance between Light and Dark Allegiances now faded upon capturing their shared enemy, but that didn't mean the situation had also reached a satisfactory conclusion. Too many questions remained. Where did the piece of Ymir stolen from Rachel's Sanctuary now rest? Does Queen Pixie have control of the creatures Kushiel created? What would happen to the man's creations if killed? With so many questions inside even those questions... the Master Rogue's gut told him the worst was far from over.
*Aaronock ~ *Ezekiel Stalker ~ *Maxwell Maximillion ~ *Fazil Reis ~ *Cecil Vega
12-11-2015, 10:08 AM |
The Midgard Times
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RE: Chronicles of Heroes ~ Judge, Jury, Executioner
"Three days ago, I stopped by Lighthalzen to meet a boy. According to his mother, he used to eat his veggies, play outside with his friends often, and cheer excitedly for his father when the man would participate in marathons. Typical, run-of-the-mill boy of eight years. But his behavior and mental health had taken a turn for the worse.
The boy's father, a brilliant scientist and locally famous marathon runner, happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time about two months ago. During an attack on Rekenber Labs, he suffered serious head trauma, and lost both his legs. He could no longer walk, nor perform the simplest of daily activities. Witnessing one's father's health turn for the worse like that does one no good. Imagine how the boy must have felt one month later when his father died. He does not play outside, he does not eat or sleep well, and his grades have dropped drastically.
And now, this man we know as The Golemancer, who openly accepted and flaunted about perpetrating these attacks on Rekenber -- among other places -- stands accused for this laundry list of crimes. ... ... ..."
Just a short bit of the prosecution's 25-minute-long opening statement yesterday. And with that, Kushiel's trial began, though it wouldn't last long, as we found out today.
"If trying to cleanse the world of evil is wrong, then so be it. I am gladly guilty of all crimes I'm charged with comitting." Kushiel fearlessly told the judge. "So... do I get sentenced to death or what?"
At the Prontera General Hospital...
Tiamat and Sir Melot stood by Rajnish, who was in critical condition, but with signs of improvement.
"They better sentence him to death." Melot commented. "There's no other option."
"I hope they do as well, but the Light Side wants him to rot in prison instead. We'll have to avoid excessive conflict with them if we want to keep the fiend in check." Tiamat replied, worried about bigger issues than Kushiel.
Melot sighed. "There will be whatever conflict necessary if they choose to let him live."
The High Wizard shook her head in disappointment. "I'll check on the seal, then..." She murmured, leaving the room.
So, heroes, are you for or against sentencing The Golemancer Kushiel to death? Think wisely before answering, as you'll be influencing an unnamed jury that reads the newspaper despite being told not to.
(Please only post one response per player.)
12-15-2015, 02:40 PM |
Yggdrasil Scholar
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RE: Chronicles of Heroes ~ Judge, Jury, Executioner
“Tell me what happened.” The woman had demanded. “My notebook is missing.” She pointed at the notebook in the assassin's hands as her proof.
“Do not let him see you leave. He is not to see what is in that envelope.”
The pink-haired assassin grumbled as recalled what the woman had asked of her. In her hands existed a handwritten letter. “Guess some things never change, hmm Fluffy?” The smokie beside her climbed up her leg and pushed the Alice doll on her head aside to flop there like a drooping doll. The assassin caught it and stuffed it in her bag.
“Yup yup~ Leg work is all you seem to do Master~” Came the cheerful reply from her head. “Meanwhile all I have to do is go to the gym~ Haha~”
The assassin shook her head and approached the official listening to the thoughts of the heroes. “I have a letter with an opinion belonging to someone who could not be here. Personally? I have no comment. I couldn't care less what happened.” She gave the official the letter, and melded into the shadows to leave.
“Hmph. Leg work indeed.”
The dark orange brush script on the letter was a quick scrawl, as if the author knew that time was of the essence. It read:
“I could not let my current situation prevent me from sharing my opinion on the matter of Kushiel, the Golemancer.
The death sentence should only be carried out if there is no other option for the offender, in my opinion. Nothing more harms Yggdrasil than countless deaths in a short span of time. As we all know, the World Tree is now recovering, but that is not the point. We should be careful ever still to not upset the balance of the Tree!
Should we, as a society with a high moral values, allow us to stoop to such a level where all we do is kill offenders? My answer to this question is no. Yes, there are offences in this world that would warrant such an... Extreme action. I do not think his actions warrant this action.
Instead, what I feel would be correct in this particular situation is to treat him as a war criminal. We nearly came to war with the Fae, and his golems were an important part of the assault that Amdusias lead on us. It was the fact that Amdusias had Kushiel's support that he was able to act as confidently as he did. We see how well that turned out, of course. Amdusias lay dead, and his two commanders imprisoned. We did not know his name at the time, but should he not be imprisoned like the other dogs that Amdusias lead around on a leash?
I suppose what I am trying to say is that Kushiel should be imprisoned until Councilman Rajnish's condition either improves or deteriorates. If, and only if, the Councilman's condition takes a turn for the worst, then that is the condition I feel that Kushiel should be sentenced to death with.
Even the darkest of all actions often hides a single, faint ray of light. Only those willing to walk the path less travelled will be able to see this light, and act upon it.
Summerstream Nimina, SIO of the Swordsman Association”
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(This post was last modified: 12-15-2015, 05:31 PM by Summerstream.)
12-15-2015, 05:28 PM |
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RE: Chronicles of Heroes ~ Judge, Jury, Executioner
For all the troubles he created, he deserve nothing less than death. But, can we trust that nobody will ressurrect him? Also, I doubt he would be dead for long, there are such evils on this world that he would rise again.
By taking him to a prison would be just too easy, it would just give him time to think on a plan to escape. A master of golems is not just a powerful mage, but he has a lot of knowledge on mechanics.
My suggestion is to take away all his powers, then seal him like its done with Baphomet. Even if one is fool enough to free him, his soul will be forever bound to the seal and he could not leave his chamber. Then we can make his own golems defend the seal, I think they are powerful enough to keep anyone away.
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12-16-2015, 01:03 PM |
Poring Slayer
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RE: Chronicles of Heroes ~ Judge, Jury, Executioner
"Excuse me Mr. Minstrel!"
A girl of average height run toward Balawan who is... spinning randomly... just outside of Geffen Tower. It seemed that she had been interviewing some passerby around Geffen before she met this peculiar person. If it were possible, she would like to avoid interviewing any strange person, especially a randomly spinning one. But she has no choice, her boss told her to interview as many people as possible.
"Excuse me, I'm a journalist from The Midgard Times. Do you have a minute please? We have to talk for a moment," she asked him politely.
"That's what she said!" Balawan the-so-called Spoony Bard then stopped his spins after he shouted that nonsense but fell down as he lose balance and felt dizzy after spinning for too long. Glad he didn't puke.
"W-what? What was that just now?" she was confused, for sure.
After the daze went away and he regained his balance, he picked his Harp and his Witch Hat which was scattered around, and then he cleaned the dust from them and his own clothes. Next, he looked at the confused journalist and he formed a smile.
"Pardon me young lady," for some reason he talked in an exquisite manner, "you can call me Balawan. So what do you need?"
"Eh, ah, Mr. Balawan, like I stated earlier, I'm a journalist from The Midgard Times. I want to hear your opinion about what sentence that Golemancer, Kushiel, deserved. Imprisoned for his whole life, mental institution, or sentenced to death? So please tell me," her pen and note were in standby to write anything her respondent will say.
"OBJECTION!" another, nonsensical, shout from the Spoony Bard while he straighten his left arm and pointed to the journalist.
It made the journalist who was expecting a serious answer flinched in surprise, "Whoa! What, what now!?"
He then shook his head and smirked, "Now now Ms. attorney, you can't expect to lower the defendant's sentence by doing this sort of thing."
"Eh.. but I'm a journalist."
"...right," seems he felt slightly dejected because the girl didn't play along.
"So, I assume that you're agree with the death sentence?", she jumped right to the conclusion because she felt really exhausted after she started interviewing this Minstrel and she want to finish it ASAP.
"Mhm, so let's think about this way, Ms. Jur."
"Journalist," she interrupted.
"Right, so Ms. Jur," he ignored her protest earlier, "what kind of feeling you'd have if one or maybe some of those twenty five who were dead and a lot more who were wounded to critically injured were part of your family, comrade, friends, or lover? Would you be happy? And in the worst case, you might want to revenge them," he sounded pretty serious when he explained it to the journalist.
The sudden change in his behavior had astonished her to the point where she's at a loss for words. It was partly because she thought what he had said earlier has a good point in the statement where everyone would feel sad when they lose their loved ones. For a short moment, she remembered what the prosecutor had said in the opening statement about the Golemancer's childhood. This ugliness might become an endless cycle if it being left alone, that was what she thought.
"Hehe, seems you get the gist of it eh?" he shamelessly sounded proud after looking at the journalist's eyes.
"Eh? A-ah," she was kind of flustered after suddenly being snapped to reality from her deep thought, "th-thank you for your time and your answer Mr. Balawan."
"No problem kitty cat. Oh hey, are you free after this?" he winked.
"NO!" she abruptly refused. "Oh, I meant I can't. I still need to interview some more people and reported the result back, I'm sorry."
Such sugar coated lie won't actually work towards Balawan, he knew that she got enough of him but he decided to pretend not to notice it and shrugged, "Too bad, I was gonna ask you to come to my music performance," which was actually his true intention. "Heh, maybe next time then," he casually said it out of goodwill.
"Y-yeah, next time."
"Good, have fun then Ms. Jur," he waved to the girl and started to walk away.. in zigzag...
"Sigh, what a day," she mumbled to herself.
(This post was last modified: 12-17-2015, 10:32 AM by Poring Slayer.)
12-17-2015, 10:31 AM |
Ethereal Engineer
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RE: Chronicles of Heroes ~ Judge, Jury, Executioner
The rogue dressed himself in a dark suit and had groomed back his hair that usually covered one of his to behave and had it tied with the rest of his hair. Next, the man would gracefully slip on dark shades to hide yellow-green eyes. A hat next would be placed atop his head, but not without protest from furry, cat ears flickering wildly as they were lost from sight of prying eyes. Where the man may have acquired the features was it's own story, worth telling another time, but it wasn't today.
Because Ezekiel had a speech to give regarding the Golemancer Kushiel.
He would recall words from the other day as he wandered Prontera's streets.
"Death is a finality. It is not one the Golemancer deserves...yet."
His hands adjusted his cap slightly as the ears under them wiggled. It bought him time to gather what he meant now fully with that statement.
"We show him mercy by simply killing him. But I know many would prefer his head instead on the guillotine. But let us not be hasty in our actions. Placing him on the chopping block today or even next week does not resolve the harms he caused, nor other plots I think this man is scheming."
He huffed, and realized if he'd already said this much he may as well reveal further concerns to the populace at large. How this could influence events in the future he could not say, but hoped it was in his favor.
"What powers his creations? His own life? Deeper magics we do not understand? I asked this to the Golemancer during his attack on the Dark Allegiance Headquarters. He gave no certain answers, and who could expect someone who considers himself such a 'schemer' to supply it?"
Ezekiel looked out straight to those who listened to him and continued. No longer unnerved to speak, realizing he didn't speak for himself, no, he spoke for those who could not.
"Let us not forget as well this man created golems via contract with the fae, and holds them hostage by yet another deal so they cannot speak of the exact nature of his work. If it is the Golemancer's very life that powers these machines as well, killing him will only release chaos upon them. Surely with a reprieve on this schemer's head, time can be given to the fae to bolster their defenses by their own methods."
For his final words, he'd give his resolution with a crooked grin.
"Before we let Kushiel die, I would like him to watch as his plans falter like dominoes. That he is not the master of life and death he believes himself to be. Let his head roll only when at last he sees his plans will never reach fruition."
*Aaronock ~ *Ezekiel Stalker ~ *Maxwell Maximillion ~ *Fazil Reis ~ *Cecil Vega
12-18-2015, 05:36 PM |
Sir Melot
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RE: Chronicles of Heroes ~ Judge, Jury, Executioner
People have been expressing their opinions on the subject of The Golemancer's death, and I have to say I'm disappointed.
Someone wanted The Golemancer to be sentenced to death only if Rajnish died. So I ask: What of the other 29 dead? Do their lives not matter?
Another person suggested he be sealed up as if he was some fearsome demon. But there's so much sealed already. Baphomet, Satan Morroc, Nyddhoggur's Shadow, the Somatology Lab experiments...
We can't lock up all of our problems. Sometimes we have to face them.
Then there was the suggestion that Kushiel be sentenced to death once he saw all his plans fail. While that is a fitting punishment, I do not believe we should succumb to the evils this man claims some of us to be.
There is no angle to this, no way around this issue. He has admitted to committing these terrible crimes and shows no remorse. The Golemancer must die, or he will continue to plot death and destruction for all sorts of people.
12-28-2015, 01:39 PM |
Lady Thea
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RE: Chronicles of Heroes ~ Judge, Jury, Executioner
I too, do not agree he should be sealed up like some demon... We've had bad experiences with what happens when seals weaken or are broken. And allowing him to witness his plans fail, then killing him off sounds barbaric. Have we not cast off these cruel ways during our evolution as a society?
Kushiel is a man in pain, gone mad after witnessing his friends and Morroc be destroyed. Despite all evidence shown, he blindly believes a certain group of people are responsible, because he isn't in touch with reality. Killing him will only prove his point to those who share his ideals.
We also seem to forget his golems, and the fragment of Ymir's Heart. Kushiel hasn't said a word about them, and probably will not, if he is killed! If that were to happen, the fragment he stole would be lost. We don't even know what exactly would happen to whatever active golems remain. Would these dangerous machinations roam free like the golems of Sograt or Juperos?
It is the Light Allegiance's belief that the best way to end this chapter of our lives, is to send Kushiel to a mental institute, where he can spend the rest of his days in solitary confinement. This way, we show that we are the better man or woman, and there's at least a chance he'll one day talk of his golems and Ymir's Heart fragment.
12-28-2015, 03:29 PM |
Ethereal Engineer
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RE: Chronicles of Heroes ~ Judge, Jury, Executioner
((Edit: Sorry, missed one formatting one of the paragraphs correctly. Nothing else is changed.)) XD
Ezekiel felt a tinge of amusement that the very leaders of the allegiances came forward to make speeches. But he would address them each in order to build up his own case, because that’s exactly the goal each of them had. Could anyone in that courtroom be swayed by one like himself? He did not know the full extent of his influence under the name Ezekiel Stalker. There again was little time to dwell on his thoughts, it was better to live in the moment. He stood, and gazed over to crowd that had gathered around him in Prontera's streets. Pressing a clasped hand against his mouth and clearing his throat, any previous nerves he may have had seemed to dissipate under the noise it created.
“Sir Melot, I am honored you have taken the time to write to the population at large.”
The master rogue in his suit raised his hand and gently waved it to the side, a gesture meant to further sign his appreciation. But Ezekiel hid his lack of surprise behind his sunglasses at the opinion written in the letter. After reading his words the first time, Ezekiel could only note how personal the man seemed to have taken matters. There was much to hate about Melot, but even men like him knew the value of others, at least as pawns. Losing good ones cost much to replace, and some players in grander machinations, impossible to substitute. Melot already lost many of the former, it was possible he could lose one of the later in Rajnish.
“There is much you and I can agree on. That this Golemancer Kushiel has killed many in his plots. Whether indirectly under Amdusias by providing the zealous renegade the means to wage war against his fellow fae and humans. Or even directly with his plots to destroy your very allegiance’s headquarters. But not only this, he has struck terror in others with his deeds. None of us deny his actions as cruel and inhumane. Not even Lady Thea here can say otherwise.” He folded his arms and raised his head as he continued to face the crowd around him.
“We also both agree that sealing or locking away Kushiel will do nothing to anyone’s benefit, not even the accused himself. The man is unremorseful and unrepentant, and removing him from society this way will only further increase his spite and justification for further crusades if he should ever escape.”
Next Ezekiel’s face turned downward, still facing the gathered audience. The sunglasses on his face started to roll down his nose, but before they could reveal his currently cursed cat eyes to those closest in his presence, he clinched his eyes shut. “Let me ask you, are you prepared to deal with potential unforeseen consequences if we kill Kushiel before we know the full extent of his schemes? We know that a piece of Ymir is missing. We do not know how he powers his creations. Lastly, that the Fae are bound in some way from speaking about the work he has completed for them and their defenses.” Then he gave a gruff harrumph, and pushed the shades back up his face with the pointer finger of his right hand at the bridge. “If you have answers to these realities that face us then can you tell us how you plan to mobilize? And I mean against both the known and potential unknown threats.”
“Sir Melot,” He continued with his usual business-like and impersonal tone. “Consider your allegiance’s image here. You cannot simply handwave the populace’s words and expect death alone to be satisfactory to the masses.” Ezekiel finally gave a glance across the expanse of the space and audience he spoke with. “I am not a man of power like yourself… but then, I am not obligated to answer to others the way you do because of that very fact.”
His stance shifted and he adjusted his orange, stylish cap. A small wind began to pick up in the streets but the crowd in front of him still stood there, and wondered even if it had grown in size from when he began. Some murmuring amongst the audience could be seen, but other than that, it was mostly an attentive group. A small smile crept on Ezekiel’s face, because now it was time to address the concerns of the other allegiance’s leader.
“To Lady Thea, I am also honored you also graced us with a letter of your own.”
Unfortunately for her, his words would not seem as kind as those directed at Melot’s opinion. “What Kushiel has done is deeply barbaric, Lady Thea. The man indirectly started war, and has thrown Fae and human relations into a precarious position. He planned further nefarious deeds by his inability to read the facts right in front of him that the Dark Allegiance did not awaken Satan Morroc.”
With a short sigh to catch his breath he continued, “He is a sick man, who has used his talents to cast harm on many levels to us all. I believe in mercy, look only to the events regarding Lucretia in previous months to see that for yourself.” His still folded hands now unfolded themselves and Ezekiel laid them back to his sides, “But he has been given far too much freedom and done nothing well with it.”
The master rogue still had more to rebuke against the Light Allegiance leader. “Lady Thea, You say there are others with ideals similar to his, then far better to let him be the one to take the fall. Make it a sign that others should not treat life with so little respect and value.” Ezekiel waved out his hand once more to his audience and countered at last. “Do not presume to speak for the whole of the Light Allegiance, Lady Thea. There are many members who would disagree with the given stance and find justification in the teachings of Hestia to never give this man another chance to right himself.”
His speech began to wind down at last as he spoke, "Give reprieve to this Golemancer's head while others resolve the remaining strings he has cast forth to further his vicious goals. That is all the mercy this lunatic deserves."
He, like Thea, believed he spoke on the behalf of others, especially Lucretia. She had entrusted him to handle the Golemancer however he pleased. Would she find his deeds and speeches acceptable? As he began to walk away from the crowd, and down the cobbled stone streets of Prontera, he gave a shrug of his shoulders. He only hoped he acted fairly not only in his and Lucretia’s interests, but of all the Fae.
*Aaronock ~ *Ezekiel Stalker ~ *Maxwell Maximillion ~ *Fazil Reis ~ *Cecil Vega
(This post was last modified: 12-28-2015, 05:34 PM by Aaronock.)
12-28-2015, 05:32 PM |