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Ban list
GM-Ayu Offline

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RE: Ban list
Who: VietNam90
How Long: 6 months forum ban

-making false claims to be a heRO GM in forum
-making false claims to "manage" heRO in any capacity
-making false claims to have directions of heRO development
-making false claims to have contributed to said development in any capacity
-not the first time that the above 4 problems have been communicated to this player by the GM team.

We really can't get any more direct and clear about this problem with this player on forum already. One of many example where GMs are exasperated and told this player very clearly, to stop doing this:

This player has had 2 3 months forum ban already (see ). Player has more than enough chances to learn the forum rules.

Attempts to bypass this forum ban (which has happened before for this player) will result in ingame bans.

Any repeat of the problems listed out in this post by this player will result in permanent forum ban ON TOP of ingame punishments.
05-15-2019, 03:09 PM
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GM-Ciar Offline
Always Sleepy

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RE: Ban list
Who: "Destiny of Life" (Forum Name), "Vietnamperson" (Forum Name), "I Love VietNam !ok!" (Ingame Name)
How Long: Permanent Forum Ban for the 2 forum accounts, 1 week ingame IP ban
Why: Bypassing forum ban by creating 2 forum accounts, and posting on one

Note from myself: Please read the post above. "Attempts to bypass this forum ban (which has happened before for this player) will result in ingame bans.". This means that you may not log into the forum with any account, much less post. This is not the first time you try to bypass a forum ban this way.

Shorter explanation + Translation:

You are temporarily banned from the forum, please do not create new accounts to bypass the ban.

[Image: wpoh5HL.png]
05-24-2019, 07:05 PM
GM-Ciar Offline
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RE: Ban list
Who: ~!Gank!~
How Long: 7 Days Permanent
Why: Harassing other players and swearing at them in Prontera, using racial slurs, etc.

Edit on June 18th at 9:56 PM: Player's ban was updated to permanent. After some additional research, it was revealed that the player is a repeat offender that stops by every so often to harass players.

We appreciate your love for HeRO, Mr. Gank! You show how much you care by taking the trouble to install and visit yearly to throw around insults to random players in town! After 6 years one would think there'd be some personal growth and development though, but either way, thanks for your attention!
06-18-2019, 09:26 PM
GM-Ciar Offline
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RE: Ban list
Who: Favi, Favor
How Long: Permanent
Why: Dual Clienting

Reminder that only 1 player is allowed to ever have 1 HeRO client open per person. You may start over using new accounts if that is your wish.

1 Player using one account = Allowed
2 Players using 2 accounts (One each) = Allowed
1 Player using 2 accounts = Forbidden
2 Players using 3 accounts = Forbidden
And so on.

Obviously, autotrading (auto vend, or auto-purchase) does not count as dual clienting.
06-20-2019, 12:43 PM
GM-Ciar Offline
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RE: Ban list
Who: ~Yona$, .Yona., Kosaki~, Yona Queen, Gillette
How Long: 2 weeks on various accounts
Why: Begging, a LOT of it. Would constantly ask or demand players for their accounts information, with the promise of leveling people's chars. We were able to identify at least 5 people this happened to, but suspect there are several more.

There was an announcement issued about a month ago about account sharing and begging, due to some reports regarding this player. These actions continued on to this very day. As usual, we do NOT encourage account sharing. If you gave your account info to this player, it is recommended you change it to prevent theft of items, etc.
07-31-2019, 02:35 PM
GM-Ciar Offline
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RE: Ban list
Who: I Love VietNam !O.K!
How Long: 3 Days
Why: Bullying and flaming players, harassing players to delete their char names, constantly telling people to leave the server because they're weak, etc. etc. you get the idea.

This is your last chance, VN, please stop harassing players ingame. The very next instance this happens you will receive a permanent ban on your main account.
08-23-2019, 11:55 AM
GM-Ciar Offline
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RE: Ban list
Who: Yona~~, and all related accounts
How Long: 1 Month for the main accounts, 2 Weeks for the rest
Why: Item Theft, as in, the player borrowed an item and did not return it, despite being contacted several times by the item owner and GMs. The stolen item has since been retrieved.

Edit: The ban was originally 2 weeks but was increased to 1 month for the main accounts.
08-24-2019, 05:57 PM
GM-Ciar Offline
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RE: Ban list
Update regarding the ban in the previous post. Following a tantrum via Discord DMs with swearing sprinkled around, the ban time has been increased from 2 weeks to 1 month for the player's main accounts.
08-24-2019, 08:02 PM
GM-Ciar Offline
Always Sleepy

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RE: Ban list
Ingame Names: Sheam, TeamMicr0Aid, East Texas Cowboy, Kumii 'Sam' Torii, Sam From Texas
Previously Used Names: Sheamzilla, GoHappyTime, vendplox, Robbie Ruffhouse, micr0

How Long: Permanent ban on all HeRO mediums. Ingame, Forum, Discord, Facebook Page/Group, etc. Basically, anything administrated by HeRO where someone may be banned.

The last instance: Continued bashing/attacks on players on the official server discord, spamming, at least one known instance of nsfw images or gifs, and generally the same crap HeRO players have had to deal with since 2016.

Before that? See here.

This player has been banned from the game or forum at least 4 times before, plus once from the Test & Dev team in 2016 for repeatedly getting into arguments with other players. The first game/forum ban occurred on April 16 2016, the second on January 15th 2017, the third time on July 22, 2018, and a fourth time on August 21, 2018.

The GM team has been very tolerant with this player, and has in the past, endured personal attacks, harassment via facebook, discord, forum, etc., and countless attempts to reveal GMs identities for those who have not publically revealed them. And all of that pales in comparison to what some players have endured. That's just what's in tickets or in the open on forum/discord/etc too. We may never truly know how many people have been harassed by this person, by simply just speaking on main or in town and inadvertently triggering an outburst of toxic paranoia in him.

Sheam is not allowed back to HeRO server, its forum, discord or facebook group, etc., ever. Thus, he is joining the list of "Fully Banned Players" which is reserved for the most severe and despicable of cases, last updated on July of 2011. Any attempts to return will be met with an immediate ban on any account he has used, so as usual, it's recommended not to share accounts (especially with him). As his very presence is against the rules, failure to report any attempts by him to be on any HeRO mediums (ingame, discord server, forum, etc) are punishable.
08-24-2019, 08:44 PM
GM-Ayu Offline

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RE: Ban list
Who: Tankudo
How Long: Permanent
Why: Botting

Note that while it's entirely possible this player truly struggled with English, heRO requires that you know basic English to pass a bot test. 2 GMs tried extensively through both visual and written English to prompt for response, and there were barely any "reasonable" response to questions or prompts.

For extra clarity: "reasonable English" means more variation in response besides yes/no, hello, hi, and "I don't speak English." GM can ask a basic non-"yes/no" question and you should be able to respond.
09-07-2019, 11:34 PM
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