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Muspel Monday
GM-Ayu Offline

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Muspel Monday
Muspel Monday is a weekly fully automated event that occurs at different times on server time Monday. On the proper time of the day, a gate towards the realm of Muspelheim will open for a limited period of time, and the heroes who entered will have to fight the creatures of Muspelheim and past various timed challenges. It is recommended for high level players in party setting, and they ought to be fully prepared against high level monsters in battle.

The gate to Muspelheim opens depending on which week of the month that it is.

1st Monday of the month: 10 AM Server Time
2nd Monday of the month: 2 PM Server Time
3rd Monday of the month: 6 PM Server Time
4th Monday of the month: 10 PM Server Time
5th Monday of the month: 2 AM Server Time

The gate is only opened for 5 minutes at the designated time. Once the gate closes again, there is no way to re-enter Muspelheim.

Click on THIS LINK for a detailed explanation about Muspelheim within the heRO wiki!
12-01-2008, 02:13 PM
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GM-Ayu Offline

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RE: Muspel Monday
Detailed information about Muspel Monday is added to the heRO wiki: click here!
12-15-2008, 11:26 PM
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GM-Ayu Offline

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RE: Muspel Monday
The power of Muspelheim increases as the days go by to be closer and closer to Ragnarok. All monsters in Muspelheim will receive a massive increase in power starting from February 2009.

Type/Property changes:
-Logi is now "Demon" instead of "Demihuman"
-Fafnir is now "Dark 2" instead of "Fire 2"
-Surtur is now "Demon" instead of "Demihuman"

Item drop changes:
-Eye of Surtur's chance to drop Glove[1] is slightly decreased
-Logi now drops "Improved Armguard [1]" instead of "Armguard [1]"

Pending changes:
-The Inner Sanctum where the heroes battle Fafnir and Surtur should no longer be exp-loss

Skill changes are also made to the monsters, but this will not be revealed. Players will have to discover for themselves. General advice is that fire property armor will no longer be sufficient to wall out all attacks from Fafnir and Surtur. Monsters have increased number of counter abilities and learn new skill combos as well, so please be as prepared as you can.
01-27-2009, 07:23 PM
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