I agree whit #4 but i go shouth einbroch and star whit popos wen i change job just and then metalings.. whit a mage cast the max leveled bolt you have and go out of screen wen metaling stops chasing you enter again and recast it...
wen i get 60 dex ~ whit archer or 60 int ~ "fixesd i mean 55+5 or so on" i go north einbroch and kill geos whit archer use charge arrow to push clustered geos and kill 1 on 1 whit mage you can do taht if you have firewall it push it too.
To #53 y leveled a crusha till 99 in x5 server and whit a panti+undershirt and a wind lance you can do it easy. ther are not much of it on byb 4 and mermans dont touch you, you get enough food to heal, the dangerus stuff is taht they freaze you, but lvl 95+ you stand the damage whit a knight character if not just wing if he cast a??water skill and you can't interupt.
And for hi-end on agi character I really recomend to go anubis whit a armor whit evil druid, or if reborn kill banshees and zombies on first lvl of cursed abbey.
Ussefull stuff for leveling.
-Cremy card (for character whit medium hi sp and no strg, Alows you to use teleport lvl1 wheigh for whings 0 Thx! xD)
-Vitata card (alows you to use healing lvl 1, very usefull for int characters, but wear it off after use all skills cost 25%+ sp wen wearing it)
Hope it helps some 1 and
![Sorry Sorry](https://www.pandoraonline.net/forum/images/smilies/sry.gif)
for mi terrible english skill (i'm from spain).