Knight of Midgar
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Taekwondo Boy/Girl, Star Gladiator and Soul Linker Guide.
Note: This guide originates from ROEmpire and was not entirely created by the poster. But there were major corrections of syntax and formatting involved in the reposting of the original guide. Thanks to the original unknown creator and thanks to the poster for his work on the formatting and correcting.
Disclaimer : Since countless people unfamiliar with skills for new classes, so here are the skill guides for TK boy/girl as well as second classes Star Knight and Soul Linker.
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How to become a Taekwondo Boy/Girl, Star Gladiator or Soul Linker:
Taekwondo Boy/Girl:
Just south west of the warper in payon, still in the city wall, there is a women wearing a white robe with a red spot behind, its very close to the tool dealer. Speak to this person with a Novice job level of 10 and all skill points placed in your novice skill to change to Taekwondo Boy/Girl.
Star Gladiator:
Reach job level 40 Taekwondo Boy/Girl, make sure to have all points placed in your skills, then go see the Taekwondo Trainer, he will tell you 'Bring me as much ores, gems and golds you can... Much more heavier than now.'.
Go to the Kafra and fill your inventory and equipement until your weight is 100%, then return to see the trainer and he will change you to Star Gladiator.
Soul Linker:
Reach job level 40 Taekwondo Boy/Girl, make sure to have all points placed in your skills, then go see the Taekwondo Trainer, he will tell you 'Come back to me with the most precious thing you have'.
Go to the Kafra and empty your inventory and equipement until your weight is 0, then return to see the trainer and he will change you to Soul Linker.
Taekwondo Boy/Girl
Job Bonuses
Job bonus at lvl 50
Skill Tree
Skill Description
Running (LV 10)
Description: When you use this skill, your character starts running straight forward. You cannot change direction of where he is running while running. You can stop using Running skill by simply using it again (using it again to stop no longer consumes SP), or use another skill, or run into the wall.
When you use this skill then immediately stop, then there will be STR + 10 buff for 150 seconds. However, the skill level of Running used must be level 7 or greater for this buff to take place, and that you have nothing equipped on your hands when you do it.
LV / Casting Time / SP Taken
1 - 6 Sec. - 100
2 - 5 Sec. - 90
3 - 4 Sec. - 80
4 - 3 Sec. - 70
5 - 2 Sec. - 60
6 - 1 Sec. - 50
7 - 0 Sec. - 40
8 - 0 Sec. - 30
9 - 0 Sec. - 20
10 - 0 Sec. - 10
Prepare Whirlwind Kick (LV 1)
Requires Whirlwind Kick LV 1
Description: This is a skill where you can turn it ON and OFF by simply pressing the skill button again when it's on, or when it's off. When you leave this ON, there's 15% chance of doing Whirldwind preparation stance when you hit the enemy with normal attack.
There is no casting time associated with this skill.
LV / SP Taken
1 - 1
Whirlwind Kick (LV 7)
Description: When you have prepared the Whirlwind Stance (from previous described skill), then you can use this to deal AoE (Area of Effect) damage of 5 by 5 cells from where you are standing.
There is no casting time associated with this skill.
LV / Damage / SP Taken
1 - 180% - 14
2 - 200% - 12
3 - 220% - 10
4 - 240% - 8
5 - 260% - 6
6 - 280% - 4
7 - 300% - 2
Prepare Axe Kick (LV 1)
Requires Axe Kick LV 1
Description: This is same in principle as Prepare Whirlwind skill, except this one prepares Axe Kick stance.
There is no casting time associated with this skill.
LV / SP Taken
1 - 1
Axe Kick (LV 7)
Description: When you use this skill while you have Axe Kick Stance prepared, you hit a single enemy strongly for damage AND cause 3 second stun.
There is no casting time associated with this skill.
LV / Damage / SP Taken
1 - 180% - 14
2 - 200% - 12
3 - 220% - 10
4 - 240% - 8
5 - 260% - 6
6 - 280% - 4
7 - 300% - 2
Prepare Round Kick (LV 1)
Requires Round Kick LV 1
Description: This is same in principle as Prepare Whirlwind skill, except this one prepares Round Kick stance.
There is no casting time associated with this skill.
LV / SP Taken
1 - 1
Round Kick (LV 7)
Description: When you use this skill while you have Round Kick Stance prepared, you hit a single enemy strongly for damage and all enemies around 3 by 3 cells of the target enemy will be pushed away with no damage.
There is no casting time associated with this skill.
LV / Damage / SP Taken
1 - 220% - 14
2 - 250% - 12
3 - 280% - 10
4 - 310% - 8
5 - 340% - 6
6 - 370% - 4
7 - 400% - 2
Prepare Counter Kick (LV 1)
Requires Counter Kick LV 1
Description: This is same in principle as Prepare Whirlwind skill, except this one prepares Counter Kick stance. However, this stance has 20% chance of happening instead of 15%. It also procs (processes, or happens) only when enemy hits you, not when you are hitting them, unlike other prepare skills.
There is no casting time associated with this skill.
LV / SP Taken
1 - 1
Counter Kick (LV 7)
Description: When you use this skill while you have Counter Kick Stance prepared, it will hit the single enemy target at 100% accuracy.
There is no casting time associated with this skill.
LV / Damage / SP Taken
1 - 220% - 14
2 - 250% - 12
3 - 280% - 10
4 - 310% - 8
5 - 340% - 6
6 - 370% - 4
7 - 400% - 2
Break Fall (LV 1)
Requires Flying Side Kick LV 7
Description: This is same in principle as Prepare Whirlwind skill. However, this does not prepare any specific stance. Instead, when this is turned on, you have 20% chance of dodging enemy ranged physical attacks.
If you had that STR bonus by doing Running skill, Break Fall now works against melee physical attacks as well as ranged physical attacks.
There is no casting time associated with this skill.
LV / SP Taken
1 - 1
Flying Side Kick (LV 7)
Description: Attack an enemy who is away from you by jumping toward the enemy at once. Normally, you give the target manually to attack, but if this skill is used while doing Break Fall, you will automatically attack that specific target. The power of this skill, if used right after using Break Fall, becomes stronger as your BLV goes up.
Also, this skill has an unique property, when you hit the target player, any TK Boy/Star Knight/Soul Linker-based buffs - such as all Spirit buffs, new skills bestowed by Spirit buffs, or Berserk Potion acquired through Berserk Pitcher - they may have, are all dispelled. However, if the target player has Preserve skill used on them, then they are invulnerable to this dispel effect.
This skill can be Plagiarised by a Rogue.
There is no casting time associated with this skill.
LV / Damage / SP Taken
1 - 40% - 70
2 - 50% - 60
3 - 60% - 50
4 - 70% - 40
5 - 80% - 30
6 - 90% - 20
7 - 100% - 10
Peaceful Rest (LV 10)
Description: If there is another TK Boy sitting next to you while sitting, this skill kicks in, allowing you to regenerate HP. When you do /doridori emote, you recover +30 additional bonus HP. The HP recovered listed just below is base value, and it increases if you have higher VIT.
This skill no longer works if your weight is over 50%.
LV / HP Recovered
1 - 30
2 - 60
3 - 90
4 - 120
5 - 160
6 - 180
7 - 210
8 - 240
9 - 270
10 - 300
Enjoyable Rest (LV 10)
Description: Same in principle as Peaceful Rest. However, this recovers SP, as you can see. Doing /doridori emote gives you bonus +3 SP, and its base recovery rate is increased if you have higher INT.
This skill no longer works if your weight is over 50%.
LV / SP Recovered
1 - 3
2 - 6
3 - 9
4 - 12
5 - 16
6 - 18
7 - 21
8 - 24
9 - 27
10 - 30
Fighting Chant (LV 5)
Description: It increases your ATK power depending on current number of party members in the same map. For example, if there are 10 party members, and you have LV 5 of this skill, your ATK is increased by 100%. The increase is based upon your BASE ATK rate, not counting in any other buffs that may have increased your ATK rate, and for skills that go 500% in terms of damage, the calculation is fixed to (100 * Bonus%) + 500%.
LV / ATK Bonus
1 - 2% per person in party
2 - 4% per person in party
3 - 6% per person in party
4 - 8% per person in party
5 - 10% per person in party
Warm Wind (LV 7)
Requires Peaceful Rest LV 5, Enjoyable Rest LV 5, and Fighting Chant LV 5
Description: This skill changes your attack to appropriate elemental depending on skill level of this skill used.
There is no casting time associated with this skill.
Lasting time of this skill is fixed to 5 minutes once imbued.
LV / Elemental / SP Taken
1 - Earth - 20
2 - Wind - 20
3 - Water - 20
4 - Fire - 20
5 - Ghost (Shadow / Sense depending on translation) - 50
6 - Darkness (Shadow in iRO) - 50
7 - Holy - 50
High Jump (LV 5)
Description: You jump over skill's specified amount of cells as indicated from where you are facing. If the cell where you will be landing is a red cell, you will just jump on the spot you are standing on and do not move. Take that literally. For clarification, skill doesn't work ONLY if the cell you are going to land when using this skill is a red cell. Otherwise, it always works.
SP taken is fixed to 50.
LV / Casting Time / Cells Jumped Over
1 - 5 Sec. - 2
2 - 4 Sec. - 4
3 - 3 Sec. - 6
4 - 2 Sec. - 8
5 - 1 Sec. - 10
Taekwon Mission (LV 1)
Requires Fighting Chant LV 5
Description: You can use this skill only if you are TK Boy. You cannot use this skill once you switch to Soul Linker or Star Knight. When you use this skill, you will see the name of the monster you are currently attacking. Then, if you kill that same monster for 100 times (does not have to be in a row), you get 1 Point, and you will be assigned a new randomly selected monster.
When you use this skill while your Target Percent is at 0%, you have 1% chance to receive a new target to take.
When you become Taekwon Ranker (No effect if you are already Star Knight or Soul Linker), you can do infinite combo of all kicks - Whirlwind Kick, Round Kick, Axe Kick, Counter Kick. However, you cannot do Flying Side Kick as part of infinite combo.
LV / Casting Time / SP Taken
1 - 1 Sec. - 10
Most of the TKboy/girl skills are an offensives type skills,as well as very few supportive skills,in which all of it benefits the TKboy/girl itself.Since the offensives skills requires STR to boost its damage,so its essential for a TKboy to be a battle type character.However the TKboy/girl build's choice will affect your 2nd job's path greatly,as the Starknight although its an offensives type character but Soul Linker is more to a supportive type.Its pretty obvious that a supportive type players will invest more in INT to enable them to use skills more frequently.Anyway,building an offensive type Soul Linker is possible,just like making a Battle Priest and Battle Sage.
Offensive type TKboy
- Take any 1 or 2 Kicking type skills [there are 4 types of kicking skills in total],take Warm Wind,Rest type skill [Enjoyable or Peaceful..take both of it if you manage to take both],take Fighting Chant,Running [up to you] and High Jump [up to you].Its not neccessary to take all of the 4 kicking skills.
- Stats build can follow like Battle Priest or Battle Sage stat build.Also can follow stats like pure offensives character like Knights or Assassin.
Supportive type TK boy [there is no supportive build for TKboy,this only serves as a preparation to be a supportive 2nd job class]
- Take High Jump,take both Rest type skills [Peaceful and Enjoyable],take Warm Wind [useful when using Esma],Running,and if can Flying Side Kick [only for the dispelling ability].
- Stats build can follow a pure supportive character stats build.Easy one i must say.
The newly 2nd job class,mainly focusing on supporting and helping other class,unlike StarKnights which are more to offensive.Soul Linkers can be say as a combination of Sage + Priest + Alchemist + Crusader + Bard/Dancer
Job Bonuses
Job bonus at lvl 50
Skill Tree
Skill Description
Note :
Soul Linker's skill can be divided into 3 types
- Spirit skill [imbuing other job/classes with spirit that enables them to use special skills.Cannot enchant to ownself]
- Ka type skill [Imbuing ownself,family members (i assume baby,or wife in game) with special powers to help ownself and the family]
- Es type skill [Main offensives skill of Soul Linkers,great if combined with Ka type skills]
Spirit of the Alchemist (LV 5)
Description: Imbues the Alchemist with the Spirit of the Alchemist, giving them special powerful buffs that lasts until the Spirit buff runs out.
1) Increases effectiveness of Potion Pitcher by BaseLV% - IE, if you are LV 80, the effectiveness of Potion Pitcher is increased by 80%.
2) Allows usage of Berserk Pitcher skill.
3) For Alchemists that have Pharmacy LV 10, they are now allowed to use new skill, Twilight Pharmacy.
4) Pharmacy LV 10 + if there is a Super Novice in the party, the Alchemist acquires new type of Twilight Pharmacy.
5) Pharmacy LV 10 + if there is a TK Boy in your party, the Alchemist acquires yet another different type of Twilight Pharmacy.
* New skills that are available to Alchemists when they receive the Spirit buff from the Soul Linker.
) Berserk Pitcher
Description: It takes 10 SP, and has 0.5 sec. casting time. You can throw a Berserk Potion at target, taking effect while ignoring class restrictions. Do note, that only characters above LV 85 will benefit from this skill. Lower levels will not be affected by this skill.
The skill requires 2 Berserk Potion, and the ASPD bonus lasting time is halved from original lasting time of Berserk Potion.
) Twilight Pharmacy (Type 1)
Description: Success rate is same as Pharmacy, and it has 3 second casting time that is not affected by DEX. It uses 200 SP to create 200 White Potions, attempting to create one every 0.005 second. If there is not enough ingredient to create 200 at once, the skill will fail.
) Twilight Pharmacy (Type 2 - acquired when partied with Super Novice)
Description: Same as Type 1 Twilight Pharmacy, except, this attempts to create 200 Slim White Potion. Skill fails if you do not have enough ingredients to create them all at once.
) Twilight Pharmacy (Type 3 - acquired when partied with TK Boy)
Description: Same as Type 1 Twilight Pharmacy, except, this attempts to create 100 Alcohol first, then 50 Flame Bottle, and 50 Acid Bottle. Skill fails if you do not have enough ingredients to create them all at once.
LV / Lasting Time / SP Taken
1 - 150 Sec. - 460
2 - 200 Sec. - 360
3 - 250 Sec. - 260
4 - 300 Sec. - 160
5 - 350 Sec. - 60"
Spirit of the Monk (LV 5)
Description: Imbues the Monk with the Spirit of the Monk, giving them special powerful buffs that lasts until the Spirit buff runs out.
1) The Raging Thrust attack becomes 5x5 cell splash attack.
2) SP taken by combo skills are decreased.
3) Even in Fury, they regenerate SP.
LV / Lasting Time / SP Taken
1 - 150 Sec. - 460
2 - 200 Sec. - 360
3 - 250 Sec. - 260
4 - 300 Sec. - 160
5 - 350 Sec. - 60"
Spirit of the Star Knight (LV 5)
Description: Imbues the Star Knight with the Spirit of the Star Knight, giving them special powerful buffs that lasts until the Spirit buff runs out.
1) Star Knight player who received this spirit allows usage of "Union of the Sun, Moon and Star" ability.
LV / Lasting Time / SP Taken
1 - 150 Sec. - 460
2 - 200 Sec. - 360
3 - 250 Sec. - 260
4 - 300 Sec. - 160
5 - 350 Sec. - 60"
Spirit of the Sage (LV 5)
Description: Imbues the Sage with the Spirit of the Sage, giving them special powerful buffs that lasts until the Spirit buff runs out.
1) If the Sage player uses Auto Spell, it will always drop LV 10 bolts, IF the Sage has learned that much in that bolt skill.
LV / Lasting Time / SP Taken
1 - 150 Sec. - 460
2 - 200 Sec. - 360
3 - 250 Sec. - 260
4 - 300 Sec. - 160
5 - 350 Sec. - 60"
Spirit of the Crusader (LV 5)
Description: Imbues the Crusader with the Spirit of the Crusader, giving them special powerful buffs that lasts until the Spirit buff runs out.
1) Shield Boomerang will never miss, and its damage is increased by 100%.
LV / Lasting Time / SP Taken
1 - 150 Sec. - 460
2 - 200 Sec. - 360
3 - 250 Sec. - 260
4 - 300 Sec. - 160
5 - 350 Sec. - 60"
Spirit of the Super Novice (LV 5)
Description: Imbues the Super Novice with the Spirit of the Super Novice, giving them special powerful buffs that lasts until the Spirit buff runs out.
1) Super Novice who are above LV 90 will be temporarily be able to equip ALL Upper/Middle/Lower head gears.
2) Super Novice who are above LV 90 has 1% chance to 'erase' the death record - which means, 1% EXP loss will be recovered.
3) Super Novice who are above LV 96 will be temporarily be able to equip LV 4 Daggers, 1H Swords, Axes, Maces, and Staff.
LV / Lasting Time / SP Taken
1 - 150 Sec. - 460
2 - 200 Sec. - 360
3 - 250 Sec. - 260
4 - 300 Sec. - 160
5 - 350 Sec. - 60"
Spirit of the Knight (LV 5)
Requires Spirit of the Crusader LV 1
Description: Imbues the Knight with the Spirit of the Knight, giving them special powerful buffs that lasts until the Spirit buff runs out.
1) If the Knight knows Two Hand Quicken LV 10, then they are temporarily given a new ability, One Hand Quicken.
* New skill that are available to Knights when they receive the Spirit buff from the Soul Linker.
) One Hand Quicken
Description: It is same as Two Hand Quicken LV 10, except it works when you have 1H Sword.
This skill consumes 100 SP. Moment the skill is used, it will remove any ASPD potions you may have consumed. However, you can consume the ASPD potion without any problems if you do it AFTER using this skill.
LV / Lasting Time / SP Taken
1 - 150 Sec. - 460
2 - 200 Sec. - 360
3 - 250 Sec. - 260
4 - 300 Sec. - 160
5 - 350 Sec. - 60"
Spirit of the Wizard (LV 5)
Requires Spirit of the Sage LV 1
Description: Imbues the Wizard with the Spirit of the Wizard, giving them special powerful buffs that lasts until the Spirit buff runs out.
1) Allows usage of all magic that requires Gemstones without using the actual Gemstone.
LV / Lasting Time / SP Taken
1 - 150 Sec. - 460
2 - 200 Sec. - 360
3 - 250 Sec. - 260
4 - 300 Sec. - 160
5 - 350 Sec. - 60"
Spirit of the Priest (LV 5)
Requires Spirit of the Monk LV 1
Description: Imbues the Priest with the Spirit of the Priest, giving them special powerful buffs that lasts until the Spirit buff runs out.
1) Holy Light eats 5x more SP, but its power will be increased by 5x.
LV / Lasting Time / SP Taken
1 - 150 Sec. - 460
2 - 200 Sec. - 360
3 - 250 Sec. - 260
4 - 300 Sec. - 160
5 - 350 Sec. - 60"
Spirit of the Bard and Dancer (LV 5)
Description: Imbues the Bard/Dancer with the Spirit of the Bard and Dancer, giving them special powerful buffs that lasts until the Spirit buff runs out.
1) All singing / dancing skills affect the Bard/Dancer him/herself.
2) While singing / dancing, the MoveSpeed is increased.
3) Whistle and Humming Linked.
4) Assassin Cross of the Sunset and Please Don't Forget Me Linked.
5) Poem of Bragi and Fortune's Kiss Linked.
6) Apple of Idun and Service For You Linked.
(Linked means, if X skill is mastered, then Y skill can be used too while in 'Spirit' mode.)
LV / Lasting Time / SP Taken
1 - 150 Sec. - 460
2 - 200 Sec. - 360
3 - 250 Sec. - 260
4 - 300 Sec. - 160
5 - 350 Sec. - 60"
Spirit of the Rogue (LV 5)
Requires Spirit of the Assassin LV 1
Description: Imbues the Rogue with the Spirit of the Rogue, giving them special powerful buffs that lasts until the Spirit buff runs out.
1) Dispel no longer removes your buffs.
2) When using a potion made by a person who is high on the alchemist rank, you will get far more bonus from it.
3) STR bonus from Chase Walk will now last 5 minutes and MoveSpeed will also increase.
LV / Lasting Time / SP Taken
1 - 150 Sec. - 460
2 - 200 Sec. - 360
3 - 250 Sec. - 260
4 - 300 Sec. - 160
5 - 350 Sec. - 60"
Spirit of the Assassin (LV 5)
Description: Imbues the Assassin with the Spirit of the Assassin, giving them special powerful buffs that lasts until the Spirit buff runs out.
1) Sonic Blow's attack power is increased by 100%, and its after-cast delay is reduced by half. However, this skill only gives 50% bonus damage / no after-cast delay reduction in Siege Mode (WoE).
LV / Lasting Time / SP Taken
1 - 150 Sec. - 460
2 - 200 Sec. - 360
3 - 250 Sec. - 260
4 - 300 Sec. - 160
5 - 350 Sec. - 60"
Spirit of the Blacksmith (LV 5)
Requires Spirit of the Alchemist LV 1
Description: Imbues the Blacksmith with the Spirit of the Blacksmith, giving them special powerful buffs that lasts until the Spirit buff runs out.
1) While in 'Spirit' mode, the Blacksmith gains new ability, "Full Adrenaline Rush", which allows AR effect to affect all weapons. This new skill only appears when the Blacksmith receiving the 'Spirit' buff has 5 skill points in AR.
* New skill that are available to Blacksmith when they receive the Spirit buff from the Soul Linker.
) Full Adrenaline Rush
Description: It is like Adrenaline Rush, except this one affects all weapons. Full Adrenaline Rush has 150 seconds of lasting time, and consumes 64 SP.
Note ranged weapons are not affected by this skill. Also, this skill does not stack with any other skills that specifically and greately increase ASPD such as Two Hand Quicken, Spear Quicken, Assassin Cross of the Sunset, One Hand Quicken, Adrenaline Rush, Demon of the Sun, Moon, and Star + Comfort of the Star.
LV / Lasting Time / SP Taken
1 - 150 Sec. - 460
2 - 200 Sec. - 360
3 - 250 Sec. - 260
4 - 300 Sec. - 160
5 - 350 Sec. - 60"
Spirit of the Hunter (LV 5)
Requires Spirit of the Bard and Dancer LV 1
Description: Imbues the Hunter with the Spirit of the Hunter, giving them special powerful buffs that lasts until the Spirit buff runs out.
1) Effectiveness of Beastbane is increased by amount of STR you have.
2) If Double Strafing is LV 10, new skill, Beast Strafing, will be available.
* New skill that are available to Hunters when they receive the Spirit buff from the Soul Linker.
) Beast Strafing
Description: If the target is a Beast-type and you used Double Strafing, you can use this skill to do extra Double Strafing on the target. Only usable right after using Double Strafing, and its power is heavily affected by STR.
LV / Lasting Time / SP Taken
1 - 150 Sec. - 460
2 - 200 Sec. - 360
3 - 250 Sec. - 260
4 - 300 Sec. - 160
5 - 350 Sec. - 60"
Spirit of the Soul Linker (LV 5)
Requires Spirit of the Star Knight LV 1
Description: Imbues the Soul Linker with the Spirit of the Soul Linker, giving them special powerful buffs that lasts until the Spirit buff runs out.
1) With this buff, this allows "Ka" type magic to be used on other classes. Do note, since 'Spirit' type buffs cannot be done on yourself, you must ask another Soul Linker to use this skill on you.
LV / Lasting Time / SP Taken
1 - 150 Sec. - 460
2 - 200 Sec. - 360
3 - 250 Sec. - 260
4 - 300 Sec. - 160
5 - 350 Sec. - 60"
Spirit of the Advanced 1st Class (LV 5)
Requires Spirit of the Super Novice LV 5
Description: Imbues the certain Advanced 1st Classes with the Spirit of the Advanced 1st Class, giving them special powerful buffs that lasts until the Spirit buff runs out.
1) This can be used only on Advanced 1st Classes - only to Swordsman, Mage, Acolyte, Merchant, Archer, and Thief up to LV 69 only. If they are beyond LV 69, this buff cannot be used on those classes.
2) The target characters, if they have stats that are lower than number equal to (Base LV of target character - 10), then all those stats will be brought to equal to that number. However, the bonus stats will not have more than +50 stat total.
This means, no stats will ever go beyond 50 stat total.
LV / Lasting Time / SP Taken
1 - 150 Sec. - 460
2 - 200 Sec. - 360
3 - 250 Sec. - 260
4 - 300 Sec. - 160
5 - 350 Sec. - 60"
Special, "Ka" type magic:
These magic are special magic that Soul Linker can use it only on themselves, or their spouse and children. If these spells are used on anybody else, nothing happens and Soul Linker who cast the spell will be stunned.
Kaizel (LV 7)
Requires Spirit of the Priest LV 1
Description: As long as this skill lasts (30 minutes), when you die, you are immediately ressurected. After being ressurected, you have 2 seconds of Kyrie Eleison buff, and Kaizel buff disappears. This skill has no effect in guild siege / WoE. The casting time is not affected by DEX.
LV / Casting Time / SP Taken / HP Recovered at Rez
1 - 4.5 Sec. - 120 - 10%
2 - 4 Sec. - 110 - 20%
3 - 3.5 Sec. - 100 - 30%
4 - 3 Sec. - 90 - 40%
5 - 2.5 Sec. - 80 - 50%
6 - 2.5 Sec. - 70 - 60%
7 - 2.5 Sec. - 60 - 70%
Kahai (LV 7)
Requires Spirit of the Priest LV 1, Spirit of the Monk LV 1, Spirit of the Crusader LV 1
Description: While this buff lasts, every time you get attacked (skill attacks are not affected), it takes your SP and heals your HP.
There is no casting time associated with this skill.
LV / SP Taken / HP Healed
1 - 5 - 200
2 - 10 - 400
3 - 15 - 600
4 - 20 - 800
5 - 25 - 1000
6 - 30 - 1200
7 - 35 - 1400
Kauf (LV 3)
Requires Spirit of the Assassin LV 1, Spirit of the Rogue LV 1
Description: Allows you to absolutely dodge an enemy attack randomly. When you dodge even once, the effect disappears.
Lasting time is fixed to 10 minutes.
Casting time is fixed to 0.5 seconds.
LV / Flee Chance / SP Taken
1 - 33% - 20
2 - 66% - 30
3 - 100% - 40
Kaite (LV 7)
Requires Spirit of the Wizard LV 1, Spirit of the Sage LV 1
Description: It will reflect most of the offensive magic and heal back to the caster. When it has reflected certain amount, it will disappear. If the heal skill used on you gets reflected, the amount of healing done to the caster will be decreased.
Note that magic spells done by monsters that are above LV 80 can no longer be reflected, and it no longer stacks with Assumptio. The skill also does not reflect spells done by Boss-type monsters.
SP taken is fixed to 70.
LV / Casting Time / Reflect # / Lasting Time
1 - 6 Sec. - 1 - 1 Min.
2 - 5.5 Sec. - 1 - 2 Min.
3 - 5 Sec. - 1 - 3 Min.
4 - 4.5 Sec. - 1 - 4 Min.
5 - 4 Sec. - 2 - 5 Min.
6 - 3.5 Sec. - 2 - 6 Min.
7 - 3 Sec. - 2 - 10 Min.
Kaina (LV 7)
Requires Enjoyable Rest LV 1
Description: Increases the power of Enjoyable Rest and increase your Max SP.
Also, if LV is above 70, Kaina reduce Estin, Estern, Esma's SP taken by 3% (Master = 21%). If LV is above 80, 5% each for max of 35%. If LV is above 90, 7% each for max of 49%.
LV / Enjoyable Rest Bonus / Max SP Bonus
1 - 40% - +30
2 - 50% - +60
3 - 60% - +90
4 - 70% - +120
5 - 80% - +150
6 - 90% - +180
7 - 100% - +210
Special, "Es" type magic:
These magic are special magic that Soul Linker can use it only on the monsters. If these spells are used on a player character, nothing happens and Soul Linker who cast the spell will be stunned.
Estin (LV 7)
Requires Spirit of the Wizard LV 1
Description: This is a magical skill that attacks only Small monsters. The affected monster is pushed back by 2 cells. When this is used on monsters that are not Small, it will do nearly no damage, but it will push them back. When LV 7 version of this skill is used, you can use Esma for next 3 seconds.
This skill is affected by Warm Wind.
There is after-cast delay of 0.5 seconds.
Casting time is fixed to 0.1 seconds.
LV / Damage / SP Taken
1 - 10% - 18
2 - 20% - 20
3 - 30% - 22
4 - 40% - 24
5 - 50% - 26
6 - 60% - 28
7 - 70% - 30
Estern (LV 7)
Requires Spirit of the Wizard LV 1.
Description: This one deals damage to Medium-sized monsters, and cause 2 second of stun. While this deals full damage to both Small and Large monsters, but it will not stun them. When LV 7 version of this skill is used, you can use Esma for next 3 seconds.
This skill is affected by Warm Wind.
There is after-cast delay of 0.5 seconds.
Casting time is fixed to 0.1 seconds.
LV / Damage / SP Taken
1 - 5% - 18
2 - 10% - 20
3 - 15% - 22
4 - 20% - 24
5 - 25% - 26
6 - 30% - 28
7 - 35% - 30
Esma (LV 10)
Requires Estin LV 7, Estern LV 7
Description: This is a very strong magic that changes element of its attack depending on Warm Wind. This skill can also be used (within 3 seconds) after casting any of "Spirit"-type buffs.
This skill is affected by Warm Wind.
There is after-cast delay of 0.5 seconds.
Casting time is fixed to 2 seconds.
LV / Damage / SP Taken
1 - (40 + BLV)% x 1 Missile - 10
2 - (40 + BLV)% x 2 Missiles - 20
3 - (40 + BLV)% x 3 Missiles - 30
4 - (40 + BLV)% x 4 Missiles - 40
5 - (40 + BLV)% x 5 Missiles - 50
6 - (40 + BLV)% x 6 Missiles - 60
7 - (40 + BLV)% x 7 Missiles - 70
8 - (40 + BLV)% x 8 Missiles - 80
9 - (40 + BLV)% x 9 Missiles - 90
10 - (40 + BLV)% x 10 Missiles - 80
Esu (LV 7)
Requires Spirit of the Priest LV 1
Description: Makes the monster small, making their MoveSpeed very slow. If this is used on a Boss-type monster, this skill only lasts 1/5 of normal time.
If you use Esu on a monster that is already under the effect of this skill, Esu will be canceled much faster on the enemy, as well as causing you to be stunned.
There is after-cast delay of 0.5 seconds.
Casting time is fixed to 1 second.
LV / Lasting Time / SP Taken
1 - 1 Sec. - 75
2 - 2 Sec. - 65
3 - 3 Sec. - 55
4 - 4 Sec. - 45
5 - 5 Sec. - 35
6 - 6 Sec. - 25
7 - 7 Sec. - 15
Esk (LV 3)
Requires Spirit of the Knight LV 1
Description: Increases monster's ATK by 4x, but decreases their DEF by half. After this skill is used at whatever skill level, you can do Esma as long as you cast Esma withint 3 seconds after using Esk.
There is after-cast delay of 0.5 seconds.
LV / Lasting Time / Casting Time / SP Taken
1 - 10 Sec. - 3 Sec. - 55
2 - 20 Sec. - 2 Sec. - 35
3 - 30 Sec. - 1 Sec. - 15
Eska (LV 3)
Requires Spirit of the Monk LV 1
Description: Forces the monster to have a state similar to Monk's Mental Strength.
There is after-cast delay of 0.5 seconds.
LV / Lasting Time / Casting Time / SP Taken
1 - 10 Sec. - 3 Sec. - 100
2 - 20 Sec. - 2 Sec. - 80
3 - 30 Sec. - 1 Sec. - 60
To make a pure supportive Soul Linkers [good for PvPing/WoE/Partying]
- Invest in Spirit and Ka type magic..if got another Soul Linkers,it will be much better so that you can use it on your party members.
To make a pure PvM Soul Linkers
- Invest in TKboy's offensives skills + Es type skills + Ka type skills.
To make a hybrid type
- Invest in Es type,Ka type and few Spirit type.
Job Bonuses
Job bonus at lvl 50
Skill Tree
Skill Description
Feeling of the Sun, Moon, and Stars (LV 3)
Description: After 'memorizing' a place, when you use this again, it will show you where you 'memorized' the place. Do note, that you can use this only ONCE. Yes, only ONCE. You cannot assign a new place to memorize by using this skill again.
SP taken is fixed to 100.
LV / Effect
1 - The map you are standing in is memorized as "Place of the Sun".
2 - The map you are standing in is memorized as "Place of the Moon".
3 - The map you are standing in is memorized as "Place of the Star".
Warmth of the Sun (LV 3)
Requires Feeling of the Sun, Moon, and Stars LV 1
Description: You can use this skill anytime in a map designated as "Place of the Sun". When this skill is used, it puts up an offensive barrier on you, dealing 100% damage to monsters right next to you (deals no effect to players) and push them back by 2 cells. Every time the barrier hits, it takes away 2 SP, and when you do not have enough SP, the barrier will disappear.
There is no casting time associated with this skill.
SP taken is fixed to 100.
LV / Lasting Time
1 - 10 Sec.
2 - 20 Sec.
3 - 60 Sec.
Warmth of the Moon (LV 3)
Requires Feeling of the Sun, Moon, and Stars LV 2
Description: You can use this skill anytime in a map designated as "Place of the Moon". When this skill is used, it puts up an offensive barrier on you, dealing 100% damage to monsters right next to you (deals no effect to players) and push them back by 2 cells. Every time the barrier hits, it takes away 2 SP, and when you do not have enough SP, the barrier will disappear.
There is no casting time associated with this skill.
SP taken is fixed to 100.
LV / Lasting Time
1 - 10 Sec.
2 - 20 Sec.
3 - 60 Sec.
Warmth of the Star (LV 3)
Requires Feeling of the Sun, Moon, and Stars LV 3
Description: You can use this skill anytime in a map designated as "Place of the Star". When this skill is used, it puts up an offensive barrier on you, dealing 100% damage to monsters right next to you (deals no effect to players) and push them back by 2 cells. Every time the barrier hits, it takes away 2 SP, and when you do not have enough SP, the barrier will disappear.
There is no casting time associated with this skill.
SP taken is fixed to 60.
LV / Lasting Time
1 - 10 Sec.
2 - 20 Sec.
3 - 60 Sec.
Anger of the Sun, Moon, and Star (LV 3)
Description: When you use this skill, it will show the name of the monster whom you just marked by using this skill. You can also use this on a player character, and they will be categorized by class, ignoring size and HP.
Example: It will show above the player characters, Champion, if target player was a Champion character, and on all other characters who are of Champion class.
SP taken is fixed at 100.
LV / Effect
1 - When used, the target is categorized as Target of the Sun. On a monster character, it can only be used on Small monsters.
2 - When used, the target is categorized as Target of the Moon. On a monster character, it can only be used on monsters who are of Medium size, and has Maximum HP of higher than 6000.
3 - When used, the target is categorized as Target of the Star. On a monster character, it can only be used on monsters who are of Large size, and has Maximum HP of higher than 20,000.
Wrath of the Sun (LV 3)
Requires Hatred LV 1
Description: It works when you attack Target of the Sun.
LV / ATK Bonus Toward Target
1 - ( (Lv+Luk+Dex) / 9 )%
2 - ( (Lv+Luk+Dex) / 6 )%
3 - ( (Lv+Luk+Dex) / 3 )%
Wrath of the Moon (LV 3)
Requires Hatred LV 2
Description: It works when you attack Target of the Moon.
LV / ATK Bonus Toward Target
1 - ( (Lv+Luk+Dex) / 9 )%
2 - ( (Lv+Luk+Dex) / 6 )%
3 - ( (Lv+Luk+Dex) / 3 )%
Wrath of the Star (LV 3)
Requires Hatred LV 3
Description: It works when you attack Target of the Star.
LV / ATK Bonus Toward Target
1 - ( (Lv+Str+Luk+Dex) / 9 )%
2 - ( (Lv+Str+Luk+Dex) / 6 )%
3 - ( (Lv+Str+Luk+Dex) / 3 )%
Comfort of the Sun (LV 4)
Requires Feeling of the Sun, Moon, and Stars LV 1
Description: It can be used anytime when you are in the day of the Sun in the map that is memorized as Place of the Sun. This skill increases your DEF by (Lv+Dex+Luk) / 10.
There is no casting time associated with this skill.
LV / Lasting Time / SP Taken
1 - 80 Sec. - 70
2 - 160 Sec. - 60
3 - 240 Sec. - 50
4 - 320 Sec. - 40
Comfort of the Moon (LV 4)
Requires Feeling of the Sun, Moon, and Stars LV 2
Description: It can be used anytime when you are in the day of the Moon in the map that is memorized as Place of the Moon. This skill increases your FLEE by (Lv+Dex+Luk) / 10%.
There is no casting time associated with this skill.
LV / Lasting Time / SP Taken
1 - 80 Sec. - 70
2 - 160 Sec. - 60
3 - 240 Sec. - 50
4 - 320 Sec. - 40
Comfort of the Star (LV 4)
Requires Feeling of the Sun, Moon, and Stars LV 3
Description: It can be used anytime when you are in the day of the Star in the map that is memorized as Place of the Star. This skill increases your ASPD by (Lv+Dex+Luk) / 10%.
There is no casting time associated with this skill.
LV / Lasting Time / SP Taken
1 - 80 Sec. - 70
2 - 160 Sec. - 60
3 - 240 Sec. - 50
4 - 320 Sec. - 40
Blessing of the Sun (LV 5)
Requires Feeling of the Sun, Moon, and Stars LV 1, Hatred LV 1
Description: It is a passive skill that increase EXP given by Target of the Sun (monsters only) in the day of the Sun.
LV / EXP Bonus
1 - 10%
2 - 20%
3 - 30%
4 - 40%
5 - 50%
Blessing of the Moon (LV 5)
Requires Feeling of the Sun, Moon, and Stars LV 2, Hatred LV 2
Description: It is a passive skill that increase EXP given by Target of the Moon (monsters only) in the day of the Moon.
LV / EXP Bonus
1 - 10%
2 - 20%
3 - 30%
4 - 40%
5 - 50%
Blessing of the Star (LV 5)
Requires Feeling of the Sun, Moon, and Stars LV 3, Hatred LV 3
Description: It is a passive skill that increase EXP given by Target of the Star (monsters only) in the day of the Star.
LV / EXP Bonus
1 - 20%
2 - 40%
3 - 60%
4 - 80%
5 - 100%
Demon of the Sun, Moon, and Star (LV 10)
Description: Sacrifices your sight in return for increasing your ASPD. The sight of your character will be restricted like Blind status effect. Do note, the moment you put even 1 skill level into this, you will be blind... forever.
(Editor's Note: I'm not joking btw, you DO receive pernament Blind-like effect if you put even just 1 skill level into this.)
(Editor's 2nd Note: This skill gives graphical effect of Blind ailment only. Star Knight's FLEE and HIT rate are not affected at all.)
LV / ASPD bonus
1 - 3%
2 - 6%
3 - 9%
4 - 12%
5 - 16%
6 - 18%
7 - 21%
8 - 24%
9 - 27%
10 - 30%
Friend of the Sun, Moon, and Star (LV 3)
Description: When Star Knight uses counter Kick, all Monks who are in the same party as Star Knight will have their Raging Trifecta Blow chance increased. If the Monks who are in same party as Star Knight activates Raging Thrust, Star Knight's chance of proccing (processing, happening) Counter Kick increases.
LV - Proc Chance Increased By
1 - 20%
2 - 50%
3 - 100%
Editor's Note: It is increased by, not set to, as such, LV 3 does not give you guaranteed proc of said skills that are benefitted by this skill.
Knowledge of the Sun, Moon, and Star (LV 10)
Description: When you start the game in a map that is designated as Place of the Sun, or Moon, or Star, this passive skill kicks in. If you go outside the Place of the Sun, or Moon, or Star for too long, this effect disappears.
LV - Bonus Carrying Amount
1 - 10%
2 - 20%
3 - 30%
4 - 40%
5 - 50%
6 - 60%
7 - 70%
8 - 80%
9 - 90%
10 - 100%
Union of the Sun, Moon, and Star (LV 1)
Requires Knowledge of the Sun, Moon, and Star LV 9
Description: Can only be used while being a 'Spirit'. When used while normal, it makes you go berserk, and using this skill again returns you to normal.
How does this work?
When you receive the Spirit of the Star Knight from a Soul Linker, you can use this skill to bring out the hidden abilities from you. When in berserking state, you will be flying. You can attack and move while flying, and you will have increased MoveSpeed. All your attacks will always hit the enemies (never miss), and all your attacks will ignore all of enemy's DEF. However, be warned, that every time you attack the enemy, you lose 0.5% of your HP.
LV / SP Taken / Lasting Time
1 - 100 - 10 Minutes
Skill Simulator
Concidering that the Taekwondo job and second job can become quite complex when it comes to know which skill to get first and everything, here is a little cookie for everyone. A skill simulator.
Star Gladiator:
Soul Linker:
Both these two links belongs to this website where you can find many other skill simulators. Also you need to have Java Enabled to use them.
EDITED by GM-Feith
(This post was last modified: 02-10-2006, 02:45 PM by Balmung.)
02-10-2006, 11:30 AM |
Posts: 234
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Joined: Oct 2005
02-10-2006, 11:45 AM |
Knight of Midgar
Posts: 162
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Joined: Oct 2005
RE: Taekwondo Boy/Girl, Star Gladiator and Soul Linker Guide.
Yes but roempire copied it from ragnainfo
Also there was some corrections to do in the texts as well as changing the fonts and editing tons of things
Eitherway, I won't take the credit for all those informations, I give credit to the one (no idea who) who first traduced thoses before being copied and copied again.
I posted it here in case the information gets lost in other forums and for better accesibility for our players.
I added the last section on how to become too for its forbidden to give that info on ROempire.
Still I would appreciate if someone could give me the info for Star Gladiator  (for I am soul linker, not star gladiator)
Oh, and yes, I am the evil overlord of destruction with evil alignement, so yes im a bad bad balmung
(This post was last modified: 02-10-2006, 11:51 AM by Balmung.)
02-10-2006, 11:46 AM |
RE: Taekwondo Boy/Girl, Star Gladiator and Soul Linker Guide.
If you look up closely your topic you should see that the info about the Star Gladiator have already been added to post. It was edited by me.
I'll add also some screenshots i took for a guide. So THANK YOU Balmung for getting this, whis will save me ALOT of work.
Therefore, i am also worried about the credits... would be nice to find whoever made this FAQ.
Anyway.. STICKED!
(BTW, the howtobecome section, is at the top of your post  )
02-10-2006, 12:55 PM |
Lord of Vermillion
Posts: 394
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Joined: Dec 2005
RE: Taekwondo Boy/Girl, Star Gladiator and Soul Linker Guide.
Has anybody found any weapons a TK class can use? Soul Linker can use a lot of things, but I haven't seen anything for TK.
Another Question. When completeing Taekwon Mission, and achieving the Taekwon Ranker status, if you go to Soul Linker/Star Knight, will you still be able to use the kicks infinitely? Does that skill mean you can only find out the number and collect points as a Taekwon, or do you lose Taekwon Ranker status, and the infinite kicks also? GMs, you guys can help me figure this out.
Main IGNs:
Neniv [Elixir] - 9x Sin
Sodo - 7x Wizzy
(This post was last modified: 02-11-2006, 02:16 AM by Sodo.)
02-11-2006, 02:08 AM |
Lord of Vermillion
Posts: 394
Threads: 31
Joined: Dec 2005
RE: Taekwondo Boy/Girl, Star Gladiator and Soul Linker Guide.
I don't think you understood. You use it to see the monster you need to kill 100 of to get a point, and when you get a specific amount of points, you can do the kick skills (except flying kick) without having to do a stance.
I'm wondering, when you get Taekwon Ranker (Getting the specific amount of points, therefore completing Taekwon Mission) if you will still be able to use the skills without the stance, or if that is gone.
Here is the skill description again.
Quote:Taekwon Mission (LV 1)
Requires Fighting Chant LV 5
Description: You can use this skill only if you are TK Boy. You cannot use this skill once you switch to Soul Linker or Star Knight. When you use this skill, you will see the name of the monster you are currently attacking. Then, if you kill that same monster for 100 times (does not have to be in a row), you get 1 Point, and you will be assigned a new randomly selected monster.
When you use this skill while your Target Percent is at 0%, you have 1% chance to receive a new target to take.
When you become Taekwon Ranker (No effect if you are already Star Knight or Soul Linker), you can do infinite combo of all kicks - Whirlwind Kick, Round Kick, Axe Kick, Counter Kick. However, you cannot do Flying Side Kick as part of infinite combo.
LV / Casting Time / SP Taken
1 - 1 Sec. - 10
Main IGNs:
Neniv [Elixir] - 9x Sin
Sodo - 7x Wizzy
(This post was last modified: 02-11-2006, 02:54 AM by Sodo.)
02-11-2006, 02:52 AM |