Fruityla Wrote:Why This Ship Set Sail
The social guild scene on heRO was almost non-existent. Sure there are guilds that call themselves social, but they?re either dumping grounds for alt characters, run so seriously you?d think you were in a WoE guild, or just plain dead.
HeRO needed a REAL social guild. One that wasn?t just a bunch of people talking. No, this guild needed to be a community where friendships are built and people have fun playing the game together. No judging people based on an interview and then telling them if they can or can?t join after said interview. No judging people based on their strength. None of that.
And thus, Orange Pirates was born. To be that guild.
What i resent is the fact that just because the most famous guilds on the heRO server may not be the most social, doesnt mean that the lesser-known guilds aren't
The guild I'm in, is in fact, exactly the same as what was mentioned in the first post.
And what Bloodbane says is true about our guild...
"We dont care to be the best,We rather be noob but be happy and know we worked hard for it"
The only reason I started playing RO was so that I had something to do w my girlfriend, Venus18, while she was away at school. I didnt want to spend my time becoming the highest lvl, or getting the best gears, or conquering East Asia to mid Europe like Genghis Khan... lol

I just wanted to run around, kill things, chat with ppl....
I was extremely happy to discover that there were other ppl out there who weren't power-hungry players who only cared about WoE and being the best.
t0nz0r Wrote:She said what is different about us, she never named any other guild to downplay them. She even said so herself. You don't see Coca cola advertising that powerade tastes like crap, but you do see them advertising that they are the best tasting.
what you say is true, but you also dont see Coca Cola saying "All the other drinks are crap"
true they may not be bashing a specific guild, but those lines do however, bowling bash all the social guilds at once w/o thinking