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Why is Alde/Nontrans Castles There?
Yuriohs Offline
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Why is Alde/Nontrans Castles There?
I don't see any specific guilds taking alde (except preventing more god items from being spawned while people sitting in a empty castle precasting air)

If there is clearly, no one going after for say 3-4 months it why should it still be there?
This isn't like behe having a "impenetrable" defense in pront and them having a castle for 2-3 weeks because no one can get past their defense. This is "o I have to go out of my way, skip normal woe and make a non trans char so I can make sure nontrans gets some action and make sure another god item isn't spawned again"

I'm making a discussion before a poll because this pisses me off every time I look at WoE standings, every time I send someone into Alde to look at whats happening.

If the bigger guilds have to make non trans chars, just to stop that castle from getting MORE god items from sitting down precasting air, then in my opinion that castle shouldn't be there because none of the smaller guilds that WoE now, didn't go there. The last guild I really remember even attempting that was sugar rush, and before them el trilor.

I probably won't get the feedback I want but this is a warning to Bamboo.
If you want action, if you really want action I'll give it to you. PRM will happen at your doorstep in a response to a no response from this thread.
I will make it so that you will actually have to FIGHT to get those god items you "deserve" from precasting air. The attacks you've had before, were just scouting out what exactly you have.

Note I said "I" this doesn't mean anything about the guilds I represent.
Don't get that twisted.

The topic of having to close alde has probably been mentioned before, well I might res it if I see where this topic goes.

Like I said even if this topic goes no where, I will improvise on the situation. Because empty castles for months because of no non trans guilds existing, and no bigger guilds wanting to sacrifice there members/woe time to go do non trans, AND the guild is benefiting from this? I feel I should speak out on it. And if speaking doesn't work, actions will.

[Image: m9ahiejpg.gif]

The first lesseon a revolutionary must learn is that he is a doomed man. Unless he understands this, he does not grasp the essential meaning of his life.
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08-31-2009, 08:17 AM
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VanVought Offline

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RE: Why is Alde/Nontrans Castles There?
*avaible to create a char for non trans woe and the insurrection*
Van-Vought      Assassin cross 99  Tuatha de Danann
Van-Cherudek    Lord Knight 98      Ordo Phoenicis
Van~Eymerich   High Priest 97       Ordo Phoenicis
Van - Anacleto        Sage 87         Tuatha de Danann
Diabolik               Rogue 98          OrdoPhoenicis
(This post was last modified: 08-31-2009, 10:09 AM by VanVought.)
08-31-2009, 09:58 AM
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Adrillf Offline
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RE: Why is Alde/Nontrans Castles There?
Okay, a few thoughts to this.

First off- the castle isn't like a normal one because it doesn't have a max eco of 100. So even though they've held it for a long time, they get a limited ammount of eco from it.

Second- officially, this is there so that new guilds that are just starting up have a place to go. Instead of instantly jumping into prontera and having to deal with the big guilds, Alde is there for people to start out with their new guilds doing non-trans WoE.

Third- all this complaining about god items. You're acting like BS is swarming with god items and that they drop an insane ammount just because they have an astounding 40 eco. God item components are rare. God items themselves are even more rare.

Fourth- so you're saying that if Prontera was held for four months straight by a guild that had amazing defences and was able to hold back the rest of the server that there should be something done against that one guild because they were too good? Give me a break. Just because no one threatens them means that they should be punished? That makes no sense at all. Let's start nerfing people just because they don't have competition. Great idea.

Fifth- As far as I understand BS enjoys having competition, and looks forward to anyone coming in their doors. Most of the time when people come in they get fun things like instacast super novices, or a few stray people here or there, but rarely any sort of actual force. As a side note onto this- in those past months that you've been keeping such great track of- Alde has been broken by other guilds that have started up and taken it. Given, they didn't hold it for that long, but they did break it.


This is an important edit- and I'm sory that I was wrong in my origional post. Origonally I thought that the max eco at Alde was 40, I stand corrected, it's 20. With a max eco of 20, that's even less chests than what I was even origionally talking about.

Sory about that confusion.

Max eco at Alde is 20, not 40.
(This post was last modified: 08-31-2009, 12:22 PM by Adrillf.)
08-31-2009, 10:11 AM
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Neuneck Offline
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RE: Why is Alde/Nontrans Castles There?
The problem with Alde is that the "give newer people a chance" logic fails!

Back when I was new, I joined DD very early. Entering the 90s as a regular sin, I started joining WoE, too and we were trying to break LWs precast in Pront. This was so loaded, so full of action that I didn't spend a thought about nontrans WoE, I wanted to join "the real thing" ASAP.
I think more people feel like this. They join a WoE guild and get confronted with Trans WoE, resulting in them wanting to trans fast, to be able to compete. There is no single guild for nontrans WoE (as far as I know, even for BS it's a side-product of several nontrans members). There just isn't anyone that wants to do nontrans WoE for real. Those who jump into Alde are usually people that WoE albeit not having transed YET.

When Prontera was held for months strait, LW did a hell of an effort do hold it. They had an awesome precast with Loki's, traps, AD and what not. They deserved their 100 eco.

If Alde has to stay, I'd ask for Alde to spawn the regular treasure chests. It's nontrans WoE, so for what twisted reason should Nontrans WoErs get wools and tidals that can only be worn by Trans character?
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08-31-2009, 10:25 AM
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Général_Argos Offline
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RE: Why is Alde/Nontrans Castles There?
You guys are 2 years late o_o
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08-31-2009, 10:43 AM
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Yuriohs Offline
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RE:??Why is Alde/Nontrans Castles There?
Adrillf Wrote:Okay, a few thoughts to this.

First off- the castle isn't like a normal one because it doesn't have a max eco of 100. So even though they've held it for a long time, they get a limited ammount of eco from it.

Second- officially, this is there so that new guilds that are just starting up have a place to go. Instead of instantly jumping into prontera and having to deal with the big guilds, Alde is there for people to start out with their new guilds doing non-trans WoE.

Third- all this complaining about god items. You're acting like BS is swarming with god items and that they drop an insane ammount just because they have an astounding 40 eco. God item components are rare. God items themselves are even more rare.

Fourth- so you're saying that if Prontera was held for four months straight by a guild that had amazing defences and was able to hold back the rest of the server that there should be something done against that one guild because they were too good? Give me a break. Just because no one threatens them means that they should be punished? That makes no sense at all. Let's start nerfing people just because they don't have competition. Great idea.

Fifth- As far as I understand BS enjoys having competition, and looks forward to anyone coming in their doors. Most of the time when people come in they get fun things like instacast super novices, or a few stray people here or there, but rarely any sort of actual force. As a side note onto this- in those past months that you've been keeping such great track of- Alde has been broken by other guilds that have started up and taken it. Given, they didn't hold it for that long, but they did break it.

lol no
Give me names of guilds that have came into alde the past months plz MONTHS.
Besides STD/DD/LoA

And also, One God item that gives 40 str as an accessory is a biiiiiiiiiiig difference. Especially if it gets in the hands of a sin or sinx or breaker of any kind.

No they arn't swarming with god items, but the fact that they can get god items by sitting there precasting air is not right. They arn't swarming with them but *cough 2?* is enough for me to even think about. 2 is more, than the trans guilds will ever get. And we fight everyday, behe/DD/LoA/Revenga everyone, we fight each other every WoE and have some intense moments.

What moments does alde have? LOL I THINK I SAW A GAURDIAN!

Also, What new guild thats emerged on HeRO has gone to Alde in the past few months, please tell me? What will you say when no new guilds come there in a year?

And like Moe said alde doesn't give new people a chance at all lol.
its like this.

*sin got past all of the gaurdians and there is a priest at the emp*
hes trying to break and the priests SW's(hes the only one there)*
OOOOOOO snap that priest is goin down with my soul linked SB *says the sin to himself*.
lol wtf priests can use that?


*nontrans guild comes in kills all the gaurdians*
*the Wiz is pumped up with 99+50 int ready to drop some fools (lol 5 people they see)
*wiz casts SG on the HP*

And also, 3 or so mvp cards do not scare me, but they will/did scare some of the nontrans guilds that came before. That shouldn't have scared them but w/e.

And those nontrans guilds before arn't pissed off like me.

Its not about them not having competition, its when a new guild comes they don't go to alde.
When revenga came, they didn't go to alde
When NE came, they didn't go to alde
If Twlight Gaurdians WoE, they won't go to alde
If Immortal Spirit WoE's << they won't go to alde
If Britannia WoE's << they won't go to alde

I didn't touch all the new guilds i've seen doing things and the guilds I mentioned, may not even plan on WoEing some, I might even be wrong, about what the newer guilds might do. But Revenga, and NE didn't go to alde not putting them on the map or anything, but they were new, they weren't geared to perfection and they duke it out in payon and sometimes in prontera like its fight night round 5. And they duke it hard.

New Guilds Don't go to Alde, Non Trans guilds haven't existed here for a while. God Item material is spawned, and in a good amount of time (it does take a while) but it still happens. I think, the drops for alde though, didn't change as the normal WoE castles drops changed.

I want all of you to know one word


[Image: m9ahiejpg.gif]

The first lesseon a revolutionary must learn is that he is a doomed man. Unless he understands this, he does not grasp the essential meaning of his life.
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08-31-2009, 11:05 AM
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Aaronock Offline
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RE: Why is Alde/Nontrans Castles There?
LOL...nope Alde ain't worth my time.
You want to know WHY new guilds don't touch Alde? Its cause it doesn't teach SHIT! You get a new batch of guys trying to learn how to play their characters, what will they learn at Alde?...I don't know not much I feel, because they aren't really fighting a huge guild of non trans (Bamboo). Heck even some of Bamboo hangs out in Behe now, not a big deal but it shows a sign that even Bamboo is bored. >.>

Anyway why I didn't take my guild to Alde is cause I think guilds learn more in trans WoE, cause that's where all the action is at! At the same time you're probably teaching the guild how to handle:

1. Dealing with armies also trying to attack the same castle you are.
2. Fighting REAL precasts that deal with every "broken" thing you can imagine, EDP SB, Creator's AD, Maya Purples and then MvP cards.
3. Trying to figure out how to set a real defense to fight 3 other freaking guilds potentially at once.
4. Getting a real feel for how good your team is progressing.

I still think Alde should be closed down or day when it is fought is changed. The idea was a nice one, but one that has obviously not worked out in practice... ;(
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08-31-2009, 11:19 AM
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Yuriohs Offline
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RE:??Why is Alde/Nontrans Castles There?
G?n?ral_Argos Wrote:You guys are 2 years late o_o??

G?n?ral_Argos Wrote:Why all people wants things to be easy ????....
I understand that a non-trans castle is a nice way to welcome newcomer on the server and to invite to participate to woes but why should they get as much castle drop rate than other ordinary castle if they have the advantage to not being attacked by "old" and "strong" guilds? Why guiving such an advantage without any disavandtage?

You predicted the future.
Never knew you were gypsy, thought you to be more of a BA Pala or something.
[Image: m9ahiejpg.gif]

The first lesseon a revolutionary must learn is that he is a doomed man. Unless he understands this, he does not grasp the essential meaning of his life.
And thus he isn't a revolutionary if he doesn't understand.
08-31-2009, 11:29 AM
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KohakuSan Offline
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RE: Why is Alde/Nontrans Castles There?
What are you talking about? Alde doesn't have the same rates as the normal castles.
Either way, I still come back to my original suggestion about it, make
Non-Trans WoE on a separate day! Oh I'd so happily go, back to old times!

(Btw, opening an alde castle and closing the payon one for trans would be awesome too)
Alde > Pay imo but that's off-topic =x
08-31-2009, 11:44 AM
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Général_Argos Offline
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RE:??Why is Alde/Nontrans Castles There?
KohakuSan Wrote:What are you talking about? Alde doesn't have the same rates as the normal castles.

It's an outdated quote (2 years old) when alde had the same eco system than a normal castle.

And the other part of the quote about being attacked by old strong guild is to be readed in the context also...

Btw what is it with gypsy yuriohs I never had a gypsy

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08-31-2009, 12:06 PM
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