GM-Ayu Wrote:Because so far I can only fix it so the skill correctly goes back to 0.8 or 1 sec fixed cooldown, BUT after the 1 sec you can cast anything including targetting abilities or another AV, while the real skill should only allow you to use non-targetting abilities. I'll have to ask the real tech GMs to see if they know a way to fix that part.
From what little I know about Servers, I thought the Skill animation and the Cooldown were two separate settings. Reducing the cooldown to 1 sec will not stop the AV animation from preventing new targetting abilities for the entire 3 second duration.
Currently, with the cooldown at around 3 seconds, If I want to cast non-targeting abilities, I can use Bragi to reduce it to a value less than the AV animation. This shows that, even with a lower cooldown, the animation does not change.
My theory is that, simply changing the cooldown to 0.8 and 1 second is all that's required.
You can ( I can help too ) test it in the Test Server.
Thanks for the response Ayu
ps. Kretzer?? your signature.. = WIN