I'm a current iro valk player. I've played hwiz on there since its opened and I want to join pservers to woe. I am downloading the client now.
I'm looking for a good group of people that are decent at woe. I'm going to be honest, I'm only interested in practicing woe.
I can lvl pretty fast, I'm just looking for a guild that can provide me a head start in basic gears/zeny. After that I'm sure you wont be dissapointed.
Also, on this server is there any way to get battlegrounds equips? I've grown quite fond of my bg gears. Also, is there a lot of stat foods on here?
(This post was last modified: 11-30-2009, 08:57 AM by kamya.)
Well Behemoth, Seraph, and Revenga are the main WoE guilds, the first 2 being the biggest, and the second being the richest (check the cp for the leaders amount of on hand cash lol).