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"Heads-Up" Notice?
GM-Ayu Offline

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"Heads-Up" Notice?
Planning a monster update in the near future. Usually players know about it when the changes show up and it's no biggie most of the time, but this time 2 of the changes involve 2 high end mvp. People may get pissed saying how "oh why the better drops only after we finally gathered enough people blahhhh". So, a public post for everyone so everyone's on the same page and that if GMs' schedule interferes with your plans, it's not that we're out to purposely screw you over.

It's expected that unless the monster changes got problems in the test server within this week, these changes *should* apply starting next sunday. Notice how this isn't a guarantee, but it's a date I'm trying to work for.

Major High End MvP Item Changes:

Ifrit: ring of resonance and ring of flamelord should be boosted to 6%, new drop of "Lucius's Armor of Volcano[1]" added at 3% (this is after our 3x item multiplier.) This is to follow iRO's lead, and not a custom addition. If you use non-english databases for RO that are more advanced than RMS, some of you can see this change already on ifrit.

Satan Morroc Quest Version: should drop one of the 3 morroc quest accessory randomly as a MVP drop, 100%. This means, your entire party, one person there may get 1 of the rings. This is done as part of our event promise that the rings will be obtainable in a difficult yet repeatable manner.

I'll temporarily sticky this for a few days here in the forums.


On a totally unrelated note:

For real life, I decided to apply and try out for a higher position in my career for further advances. I'll submit the application tomorrow, and it'll be months of waiting after that. How this affects heRO? If on the (sadly slim) chance that I am accepted of the job, I'll probably have to quit my GM duties by April 2010.

I'm mentioning this because I don't want to start a moral panic 4 months in the future. "ZOMG a GM quitted *insert conspiracy theory here*" If there's some giant conspiracy theory against me, hey I would've walked out on the job now instead of 4 months later and giving a notice, still doing a monster update and all. If I get hired, I'll have to quit heRO though I'll be kinda happy at a giant promotion IRL. If I failed at that, I'll still be slaving away for you kids while crying to myself for a week afterward, give or take a few days.
11-30-2009, 04:06 AM
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Sepharius Offline

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RE: "Heads-Up" Notice?
GM-Ayu Wrote:On a totally unrelated note:

For real life, I decided to apply and try out for a higher position in my career for further advances. I'll submit the application tomorrow, and it'll be months of waiting after that. How this affects heRO? If on the (sadly slim) chance that I am accepted of the job, I'll probably have to quit my GM duties by April 2010.

I'm mentioning this because I don't want to start a moral panic 4 months in the future. "ZOMG a GM quitted *insert conspiracy theory here*" If there's some giant conspiracy theory against me, hey I would've walked out on the job now instead of 4 months later and giving a notice, still doing a monster update and all. If I get hired, I'll have to quit heRO though I'll be kinda happy at a giant promotion IRL. If I failed at that, I'll still be slaving away for you kids while crying to myself for a week afterward, give or take a few days.

Good luck with that. I submitted my college applications last week, hope I get into (at least) some of them.

And remember, job = money. And money > RO.
11-30-2009, 04:16 AM
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mahawirasd Offline
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RE: "Heads-Up" Notice?
pssh Caff... just look at the donation pages (especially other servers)... RO > money... Laugh

The best of luck Ayu! No1

though we'll undoubtedly miss you, there's no point in holding you back... Ok

11-30-2009, 04:49 AM
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F.x Offline
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RE: "Heads-Up" Notice?
hmm firearmor[1]....*puts swordfish card in there*
Fanimus             - Whitesmith
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11-30-2009, 10:23 AM
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Kulluminatii Offline

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RE:??"Heads-Up" Notice?
Sepharius Wrote:And remember, job = money. And money > RO.

So true No1.

Anyways, best of luck Ayu, hope you still have time to drop by though when you get the job!Love
11-30-2009, 10:49 AM
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Yuriohs Offline
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RE: "Heads-Up" Notice?
[Image: m9ahiejpg.gif]

The first lesseon a revolutionary must learn is that he is a doomed man. Unless he understands this, he does not grasp the essential meaning of his life.
And thus he isn't a revolutionary if he doesn't understand.
11-30-2009, 01:53 PM
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Session Offline
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RE: "Heads-Up" Notice?
Good luck with your stuffles irl Miss ayu!

And remember, job = money. And money > RO.

Perhaps when you get it all situated and such you could pop on sometimes occasionally :3
My Shop/Buylist- Angel's Branch of HeRo

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Assassin Cross- DownfallenAngel
High Wizard- Session
To-Be SinX2- Tithe
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I used to have a comment here. I still do, but I used to do, too.
11-30-2009, 02:10 PM
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Shikari Offline

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RE: "Heads-Up" Notice?
Oh...Good luck then, If you do leave I'll prolly miss you 8months from now, being 4 after you left No1

Lol no joke, I'll miss you, GL <3
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11-30-2009, 02:22 PM
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Général_Argos Offline
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RE: "Heads-Up" Notice?
GM-Ayu Wrote:"ZOMG a GM quitted *insert conspiracy theory here*"

I knew it!??If you reassemble "AYU" in another order you obv get "BINLADEN" !!!!! :0 !!!!!!!!!









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(This post was last modified: 11-30-2009, 06:34 PM by Général_Argos.)
11-30-2009, 06:33 PM
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Flare Offline
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RE: "Heads-Up" Notice?
Good luck Ayu. Hope the job is a good one!
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"Only the fool wishes to go into battle to beat someone for the satisfaction of beating someone." -A Thousand Sons
11-30-2009, 06:41 PM
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