Alright, you guys have heard lots of "I'm leaving" blabla from me, eh?
Well, here's the thing.
My friend doesn't have internet at her house, so RO is like a nocando over there... x_X
Point is, I'm plannin' on taking a break from mom and her crap, stuff has been going on, and either I leave or my friend is calling police. xDDD
Soo.... sorry if I can't be on, I'm reaaaally sorry guys.

Just in case, 'cuz algid is alive, and we're handling things. :3 So don't think that just 'cuz I'm gone it means we're dead. :D
We're still recruiting too, GO ALGID SKEPCIS!!! <3
Alright, see you soon (unless mom catches me and I get killed. xD)