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"Eccentric" scientist working on artifical mind.
Lord Jericho Offline
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RE: "Eccentric" scientist working on artifical mind.
Its like making a AI But with an Actual Brain tissue That has the 5 Senses or primary Functions of the human Body See hear touch taste and smell. My vague opinion on this Subject is that they want to make As Flare Sayd Real Life Data. Then again as in the Report sayd It would be an ethycal issue since the Brain thingy they are doing has not been yet developed as a Medical branch or eingeneering But we can all do hope for the best. not that i dont have a brain under my bed ~~
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01-20-2010, 11:05 PM
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Former-GM-Mystra Offline
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RE: "Eccentric" scientist working on artifical mind.
They want to create a "brain" in a computer, the best AI to date. The ethical issue is: is it all right to have a "brain" in a computer and do what you want with it.

Ex: cause traumas or pain on that "brain" for medical reasons, even if it isn't a real living thing, is it all right to harm it?
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01-21-2010, 12:26 AM
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The Legendary Joe Offline
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RE: "Eccentric" scientist working on artifical mind.
Quote:This, it is hoped, will bring into being a sentient mind that will be able to think, reason, express will, lay down memories and perhaps even experience love, anger, sadness, pain and joy.

If it can think, reason and feel all those things, why would it NOT rebel if we shocked it a few gazillion times a day just to keep it alive? Sure, it'd be a modern marvel in the fact that it can think and reason, but there's been MORE than enough science fiction films with bad ends, or the AI's going Berserk and stuff.

It'd be like a new subclass for slavery and all that jazz. a New disposable mind we can create over and over and over so we don't have to worry about the junk that nobody wants to do, so we can be lazier and get fatter than we are already.

I just don't have a good feeling about this.
01-21-2010, 02:53 AM
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Former-GM-Mystra Offline
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RE: "Eccentric" scientist working on artifical mind.
My teacher replied, and with no surprise:

Sylvain Sirois Wrote:Salut Arnaud,

Oui, c?est un projet int?ressant. Deux choses ? garder ? l?esprit :

1-???? Markram, est, jusqu?? preuve du contraire, un illumin?. Peu importe ses intentions, il finance ce projet par ses qualit?s de gourou avant tout. Il y a une candeur stup?fiante dans ce qu?il dit (tant dans le Daily Mail qu?ailleurs). Et un optimisme assez pu?ril. Quelqu?un qui pr?tend pouvoir r?aliser un projet de cette ampleur dans un d?lai si court (et pr?cis!!!) est soit mal avis?, ou soit tr?s occup? ? chercher du financement en promettant l?Eldorado. Je te recommande un excellent livre qui est rempli, du d?but ? la fin, de personnages qui rappellent Markram :

2-???? C?est un projet qui, malgr? l?implication d?IBM par exemple, se fait ? l?ext?rieur du milieu scientifique qui traite de ces questions. Et qui semble ignorer les 60 (oui, soixante) derni?res ann?es de recherche en mod?lisation des processus neuronaux. Sauf pour abuser des avanc?es d?j? r?alis?es et n?en retenir que le positif, tandis que les difficult?s que tout le monde conna?t en sciences cognitives sont pass?es sous silence. Donc, si de r?elles avanc?es sont ?ventuellement produites tant mieux, mais jusqu?? preuve du contraire un s?rieuse r?serve est de mise.

Ceci dit, tr?s content de te voir lire sur des sujets reli?s au cours avec enthousiasme!

In other words, the guy is a lunatic, that is finding finances with guru tactics. Being able to advance something with that magnitude so precisely (2018) is completely mad.

He is also ignoring the passed 60 years of research in modeling of the neuronal processes. Except to only take the small scientific advances, pushing them to the limit while ignoring ALL the difficulty that is known with cognitive science.

Lastly, if something do happen, good. But until then, you guys should be extremely critic with this.
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01-21-2010, 12:15 PM
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Général_Argos Offline
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RE: "Eccentric" scientist working on artifical mind.
lol, watch end see.

By either success or failure, it will be a major amount of lulz when all what he did will be outdated with the arrival of quantum computing.

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01-21-2010, 06:26 PM
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