I want a kitty cat...and some cards....and better drawing skills......oh and a singing lacus doll that sings!
Oh and bring back Goku and the others too I guess...but only if you have room with all the other stuff.
(Welcome to heRO~)
"A utopia without love is just an illusion"
Angel Fates /99-68/1 agi 190aspd Lord Knight.
Magia Erebea Elysia /83-49/ Battle Alchemist
Magia Elysia/94-50/Magic Bullet Monk <-Needs work.
Heyy, I've seen you around in-game! :) Cool beans~
Welcome to the server! I've only been out of it for a year or so, but golly gosh, there seem to be so many people who've been out for much longer. o.o; I'm glad I still remember just about everything. The only part I'm (mostly) new to is low rates, so erm, haha.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask me! I'd be happy to help you out. Hope to see you around more, man. <3