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7 Word Game
Seyrus Offline
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RE: 7 Word Game
well... my turn now !

mining, bear, bowl, sunshine, evil, carpet, book

In the old times somewhere deep in the woods of Rune Midgard an old man was sitting in his armchair. he stared at the fireplace he was sitting next to with his shiny grey eyes when his grandchildren Marisa and Tommy came in. "Grandfather, please tell us a story." said the little girl with a happy smile on her face. "Well" said the old man "then sit down next to me on the carpet and listen". He grabbed an really old looking book from the table next to him and started to tell one of his old Stories.

There once lived a poor man with his family near to the town of Geffen. His family was so poor that it was hard for them to even stay alive, but one day the man was looking for something to eat in the town when he heared a few man talking about an an abandoned goldmine only a few footsteps away. They were also talking about an evil spirit that watches over the mine and only a special soup could becalm it. The man went home and told his family about what he heared and made the plan to go mining there the next morning.

The sunshine of this early morning made the man wistle a happy song while he was on his way down to the mine. His wife made a fine vegetable soup and gave him a small bowl of it to give this to the evil spirit. As soon as he reached the mine he grabbed a mining pick and started to crash the rocks, as he suddenly heared some strange noises comming from inside the mine.
The man was scared to death at first, but then he remembered the pain he and his family went through all those years without money and continued mining. Suddenly a big black creature came out of the mine and ran towards him. He ran as fast as he could, lost his backpack on the way but made it to climb a tree before the evil creature could reach him.
Up here he would be safe he thought and dared to take a look at the creature and had to laugh. There is no evil spirit there, it was only a hungry bear.

After the bear was finally gone, the lucky miner went home with his pockets full of gold. His family was rich now and never had to suffer again.

The End

New 7 Words:

candle - sand - box - magican - rat - oil - love
(This post was last modified: 02-19-2010, 04:14 PM by Seyrus.)
02-19-2010, 04:01 PM
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BabyRina Offline
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RE: 7 Word Game
candle, sand, box, magican, rat, oil, love

Once upon a time there was a magician named Etoile who adopted a child named Rina. She loved her very much that she decided to get her a sand box.

One afternoon, Rina was playing in her sandbox with the toys her mom had gotten her. A giant rat scurried across the sand, scaring Rina!

"MOMMYYY!" screamed Rina as she started crying from the gruesome sight.

Etoile heard Rina screaming while she was getting dinner ready. She ran outside and picked her up. "What's wrong darling" she said.

"I saw a giant rat and it took my bucket!" said Rina as she wiped her eyes.

"It's okay, I'll get you a new one" replied Etoile, smiling at her beautiful child. "Let's go inside and eat dinner."

"Okay mommy" said Rina sweetly.

Both Rina and Etoile walked into their home in Rachel. "I just need to add some oil to the dressing, then we can eat!" said Etoile.

"Yay! I am hungry." replied Rina who then went to turn on the lights. "Oh no, why wont the light turn on!"

"Oh my, I think the lightbulb isn't working but we don't have any to replace it. Will go you grab the candle from the shelf dear?" Etoile answered.

Rina grabbed the candle off the shelf like her mother had said, and placed it on the dinner table. She helped her mom get the food and set the table.
Together, Etoile and Rina had dinner, telling each other about their day until their father came home.

The end!

Next 7 words:
star, water, blue, fish, action, birthday, spring
[Image: siginprogresscopy-1.png]
Baby Rina - Rina Catcher - Minnie Me
Riches - Criseyde - Carbonated Drink
02-19-2010, 04:39 PM
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katleoyumi Offline
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RE: 7 Word Game
@ Seyrus: I like your story :O I am glad that man got the fortune!

@ Rina: AWWWWWWWWWW sandbox! I like it! <3

star, water, blue, fish, action, birthday, spring

Once upon a time, there lived a blue fish. This fish was named Star because when she was little, she used to stare up at the sky every night during Springtime when the stars glistened into the water.

One year, on the first night of Spring, Star looked up at the sky but there were no stars. Because Star was the type who disliked change, she decided that she had to take action!

She started swimming from ocean to ocean, trying to find the stars but there were none--not in China, not in Europe, not even in America! As a last resort, Star decided to swim to Canada.

When she got to the Lake Ontario, she noticed that the sky was littered with stars! She looked up and asked "why are all the stars gathered here tonight?"

The stars replied "because it is the birthday of our mother Star--who only celebrates her birthday every 10 years."

Ever since, Star continued to stare up at the sky and on every tenth year, she swam all the way to Canada just to see the stars celebrating their mother Star's birthday.

The end.

Next 7 Words:
yellow, plate, mushroom, tree, apartment, Geffen, party
pocket size linh [whitesmith] **
pocket size Iinh [baby blacksmith] **
Blackchapel [baby monk] **
Lowercut [baby monk] **
King Boo [alchemist]

Guild: HappyChildFoundation
02-19-2010, 05:06 PM
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Aphrodythe Offline
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RE: 7 Word Game
Oh well....
_____yellow, plate, mushroom, tree, apartment, Geffen, party_________

A girl with a Yellow Ribbon in her hair and a plate with mushroom pizza in her hand was once walking through Geffen. She had been looking for a party all day and now needed a snack so she went to her apartment and got the pizza. Then she sat down under a tree to nom on the snack.
(*likes it short =D* )

New words:
Backpack, Ashtray, Syringe, Playstation, Blanket, Fan, Body-Lotion

FallenAngel'sBleeding - ME HPriest 96+

Alts: Chibi Treffnix - Sniper 80+
       Chemical Reaction - PotAlchemist 89+

...and some more i'm seldom online with.
02-19-2010, 05:28 PM
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BabyRina Offline
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RE: 7 Word Game
Backpack, Ashtray, Syringe, Playstation, Blanket, Fan, Body-Lotion

After playing games on Playstation 3, Charlie decided it was time for an adventure. First, he took a shower to feel refreshed after playing for 10 hours straight. After his shower, he chose the best clothes for an adventure and applied some body lotion.

Charlie went into his room to gather materials needed for this awesome adventure. He took out the backpack from his closet, along with the blanket on his bed.

He went downstairs to get his medicine along with it's syringe just in case he gets serverly sick. Charlie also picked up the ashtray on the coffee table beside the fan.

With all the items he had gathered, he made his way down to Moscovia for an adventure that changes his life.

The End!

Next 7 words:
angry, jello, skating, snow, pillow, light, dangerous
[Image: siginprogresscopy-1.png]
Baby Rina - Rina Catcher - Minnie Me
Riches - Criseyde - Carbonated Drink
02-19-2010, 11:01 PM
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Seyrus Offline
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RE: 7 Word Game
angry, jello, skating, snow, pillow, light, dangerous

One fine day little Jenny woke up from a sweet dream. It was a great morning and the light of the sun was shining through the windows of her room. She went to the bathroom and prepared herself for the day. After that she went downstairs to have a bit of the jello she made yesterday. Her mom was doing dishes and asked Jenny about her plans for the day. Jenny told her that she was about to go out inline-skating. Her Mother smiled and told her to be carefull and not to go near the mainstreet couse this would be too dangerous.

Jenny went out with her skates. she looked around in the street, it was quiet outside, cept for an angry old man yelling at his mowing machine and the new neighbours who were carrying many boxes into the house on the other side of the street.

She tried out some of the new tricks the older boys around her brother showed her a few days ago. she was doing pretty well and almost forgot about everything around her, as she suddenly began to stumble.
She tried to catch her fall but that didn't work at all but she was lucky and ended up in a big box of pillows, that belonged to the new neigbours.
Jenny found herself again looking upwards into the blue sky. All around her were feathers flying around that looked like snowflakes as she suddenly saw a boy standing next to the box. He asked her if she got hurt and helped her climbing out of the pillows. Gladly she wasn't hurt at all and the boy took her to his home and both of them had a cold lemonade.


New Words:

grape - desk - locked - ghost - boat - maths - fear
02-19-2010, 11:58 PM
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Aphrodythe Offline
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RE: 7 Word Game
grape - desk - locked - ghost - boat - maths - fear
Once upon a long forgotten time,
a man commited a really horrible crime.
He murdered his child and wife,
with a large kitchen knife.

Having lived for only such a short period,
the child was being no idiot.
It decided to stay in this world some longer,
it's body now dead but it's will grown stronger.

But not having a physical host,
it was sadly forced to become a ghost.
Never having cried a single tear,
it now was spreading agony and fear.

The father, being a professor for maths,
liked to take long and relaxing baths.
Never having been punished for what he did cause,
he decided to celebrate it with a holiday and make a pause.

Being on a tropical Island very soon,
he sat at the beach until greeting the moon.
Seeing a motorboat being locked at the beach,
made of the finest and greatest beech,
He broke the lock and entered the ship,
he enters a room with a desk, seeing a bowl full of hip.

Another bowl was containing a grape,
he ate it all and grabbed a waterproof cape.
Travelling the seas for more than a week,
he found his vacation to be pleasingly cheap.

But then, who did expect this to happen to it,
his ghostly child was there to bring him to hell's pit.
It haunted the man until he went crazy and mad,
the man grabbed a kitchen knife, stabbed himself and now was dead.


(With the Okay from katleoyumi, i tried to make my story like a poem... not sure if it sounds good being no native speaker but i gave my best... was just an idea =D )

New words:

Horse, Computer, Tube, Basket, Mirror, cruel, masterpiece

FallenAngel'sBleeding - ME HPriest 96+

Alts: Chibi Treffnix - Sniper 80+
       Chemical Reaction - PotAlchemist 89+

...and some more i'm seldom online with.
02-20-2010, 12:38 AM
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katleoyumi Offline
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RE: 7 Word Game
Horse, Computer, Tube, Basket, Mirror, cruel, masterpiece

HAHAHA I decided to write a poem too!!

There once lived a very cruel horse,
Who loved the computer a lot,
He tried to make it his life's course,
But was distracted by a tube,
One day he found a basketball,
With a makeup mirror beside it,
He picked it up and took it all,
And it became his masterpiece.

New words:
glass, fork, toilet, glue, pink, test, rhyme
pocket size linh [whitesmith] **
pocket size Iinh [baby blacksmith] **
Blackchapel [baby monk] **
Lowercut [baby monk] **
King Boo [alchemist]

Guild: HappyChildFoundation
(This post was last modified: 02-20-2010, 12:54 AM by katleoyumi.)
02-20-2010, 12:49 AM
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BabyRina Offline
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RE: 7 Word Game
glass, fork, toilet, glue, pink, test, rhyme

I'll try to make a poem too!

I once had a dream about a test
It was to only ryhme during the fest
I wore a pink costume
Carried a bottle of glass perfume
All was well till it was lunch
I picked up a fork and began to munch!
I suddenly turned blue
Because of the glue!
I ran for the toilet
But it was too late.

New 7 words:
heart, liver, care, board, window, dance, clock
[Image: siginprogresscopy-1.png]
Baby Rina - Rina Catcher - Minnie Me
Riches - Criseyde - Carbonated Drink
02-20-2010, 01:05 AM
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Story Teller Offline
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RE: 7 Word Game
Once upon a time, there lived a girl who always would look outside the window. She was born weak with her liver not producing much blood for her heart.

One day, a boy had accidentally threw his ball to a board near the window where the girl was and it was love at first sight. They began to become friends and intimate as the boy introduces her the dog he had cared through the rain.

But as winter arrived, the girl condition turned more dire. She had no time left and the boy knew about it. He escaped with her outside at the frigid winter to see the starry sky as the dog called Menow dance around them.

The girl then suddenly felt as if she was about to sleep as the boy try to tell her to hang on.

"Do you know... what time it is?" said the girl.

"I do" the boy pulled out the clock he always carried but before he could see the time the girl covered his hands and smiled.

"Caine, please remember me when I leave this world..." her hands then suddenly felt cold as she slept eternally on the snowy hill.


7 New Words:
mail, wings, sky, fall, crime, luscious, white
[Image: tumblr_ny8egaizy41ugfaiio1_500.gif]
(This post was last modified: 02-20-2010, 07:45 AM by Story Teller.)
02-20-2010, 02:37 AM
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