I would like to suggest that you add names on the gear that is made by custom quest and is character-bound. With names I mean the names of the char who created it like WS-created items has, so instead of "Zodiac Stone" it would be "TPC's Zodiac Stone".
This would be useful if you want to make another one on another char some time in the future and don't remember what character you did the quest on originally. Would be quite frustrating to, for example, enter zodiac room on one char only to notice that you already did the quest on that char.
My chars: TPC / Tjuven / Dansare / Sinne / Magiker / Byracka / Krigare / Andreas
~Altera lvl 99/70 Sniper ~ : Altera lvl 9x/50 Wizard ~
Altera~ lvl 96/50 Sin ~ : ~Altera~ lvl 9x/6x High Priest ~
"heRO is a worthy server, that Altera doesn't deserve!"
Maybe you should just keep a notebook with an RO section near your computer like I do.??Has tons of info like creation recipes, quest items/reqs, a LOT of math formulae (since math is sometimes easier than opening up a stat calc) et cetera.??I pretty much write everything down I learn from RMS, HeRO Wiki, NPC's or other players. That way I don't need to research it again.