Don't you hate it when you find something really cool and you want to give it to your friend - so you deal them and they go "? | What is it? | Tell me what it is first."?
Then when you either tell them or they see it in the deal window they dont want it???I hate that.??:3
The other day I was in the mine and got an orichalcum ore and decided to give it to my friend because I know she wants them.??She accepted and everything of course but I didnt like how the surprise was ruined as soon as I put the ore into the deal window.
So I thought to myself "It would be awesome if it were in its own little gift box or maybe just gift wrapped."??And thats my idea!??A gift wrap NPC!
People can take their gifts to this NPC and itll gift wrap it for them to give to their friends who can unwrap it and be surprised after the trade is completed!??\o/
No more "Nah Ive already got one of those" leaving you feeling bummed out because your good thoughts and/or hard work went to nothing.??:<
Now it can be "Oh wow - Ive already got one of these but thanks!"??Now they can sell it or break it or use it in a quest!??XD
Good for birthdays, barmitzfas, Christmas, Hannukah, anniversaries, Valentine's Day, just cuz, or even Labor Day!
Happy Labor day!??I got you strong picks!??Get to work!??XD
I suppose it could contain more than one if you gave her more than one to gift wrap... I have no idea how scripting works.??
I imagine you'd have to bring her some oil or slick paper, a ribbon (the unslotted headgear you can buy from an armor dealer), and some resin or sticky mucus and some zeny and she could do it for you.??Or maybe you can buy some wrapping paper and "wrapping lace" (packing ribbon) - which are both Christmas mob drops - from a vendor NPC then use these items to create the gift with the Giftwrap NPC.??Maybe even choose a box type or paper colors since there are a LOT of box sprites out there.??Maybe a more expensive box would make for a more ostentatious presentation.??Like the bell ribbon box sprite.??<3
Anyway - that's my idea!??\o/