A new guild has emerged in heRO.??Fatality is a group of experienced players who enjoy high-end MvP's and parties.??Our goal is to rise to become a strong force in WoE while still maintaining an active PvM schedule.??
We are currently looking for new members who posses qualities that will be beneficial to guild growth and success.??In turn, the guild will provide an outlet to experience the finer dungeons and MvP's of RO.??The requirements to join include:
- Having a 9X character*
- Availibility to WoE
- Prepared to WoE/willing to prepare
- The desire to go to high-end dungeons and MvP's
- Willing to work as part of a team to achieve group goals
- Most importantly: a drive to be the best at what you do.??Fatality is not a group of mediocrity.??We strive for greatness and we expect that from each member.??If you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen!
*exceptions may be made on level requirement in certain circumstances. PM for details.
If you meet these requirements and are interested in joining our guild, please PM me on forums or find me in-game.??Our guild currently resides in Moscovia so you can swing by and find us there as well.
We hope to hear from you soon!
retired except for..
the Herman Zeny Sink event of 2011.. 3.5b drained and