Actually, AI looks on files after every teleport/map switch/relog, so you can just tele instead of relogging

Second - Check if custom AI is on (/hoai as mentioned above)
avoid- Homunculus doesn't attack that monster at all, even don't help owner to fight it. Vanil in this state stayes away and uses Caprice (if allowed).
coward- Homunculus doesn't attack that monster at all, but helps owner to fight it. Vanil in this state stayes away and uses Caprice (if allowed).
react_1st- Homunculus attacks back to the monster targeting homunculus himself or his owner. Highest priority.
react-??Homunculus attacks back to the monster targeting homunculus himself or his owner. Normal priority.
react_last-??Homunculus attacks back to the monster targeting homunculus himself or his owner. Lowest priority.
attack_1st- Homunculus starts to attack monster on sight. Highest priority.
attack- Homunculus starts to attack monster on sight. Normal priority.
attack_last- Homunculus starts to attack monster on sight. Lowest priority.
attack_weak- Homunculus don't spot that monster until there are no other targets around. Always checks in last.
Priority goes from highest to lowest (highest -> normal -> lowest -> attack_weak). So if you want homu to attack myst first, you need to set it to "attack_1st", then add skele worker and set it to "attack" or "attack_last".