I read pretty much everything here Aaronock, and it's funny. I remember seeing you talking about you wanting a Guild and all that when I was new to the server (back during my hunt for one, you remember don't you?). And here you are, now I know you more, we have partied etc..and looking for one again. *chuckles* I mean really, Matrim was coming back to FoH after being gone for a while, now he's taking time off again and planning to come back later, of course this time I'm now Co-Leader with Aedra. Go figure ne? Kinda funny how things go full circle in this area for long-term players.
By the way, I only feel that it applies in part, my old thread about what Guild I was looking for as you of course posted in that like I said Aaronock.
The info has of course now changed. But, much of it is still valid.
1. I picked Fires of Heaven after Transcending even without a Guild, and I have since never regretted my choice. We WoE when we can, are trying to do it more often with our allies but the competition of course makes that hard to do. We don't worry about it too seriously. For now. We are gathering our forces.
2. Entertainment? Even without Matrim there you certainly know at this point that we have that. Perhaps not all the time, but when it's there it's enjoyable to read.
3. We do our best to do fun stuffs, Abyss, Questing together, Killing random MvPs when we feel like it, and certainly DB/BB parties.
4. Active? Hah, well I'm not going to be 'on' per-say for the next month (I've sure you have seen my post on FoH about my Racing..if you haven't, do go look and give me your opinion), but I'm still around (and once the month is up during winter break I'll be back a lot) and others are as well.
I'm sure that we aren't the best in all of these areas, but I can say with certainly that we have all of these in fair quantities.
So, while you may already be part of FoH we would love to have you join on a larger main character (or at least one you are on a lot, doesn't really matter whom long as you play them. xD) other than Jelly Pie. Of course, continuing to lvl up Jelly is great to, but the point of your search is to fine a main place to be no? Erm, I think you get what I'm trying to say.

Would be great that when you are on, you are on more with us than others.
As you of course know from my old post, I was and I still AM interested in Guilds and how they are. Frankly as I haven't been in much of the WoE scene myself I honestly don't have many positive or negative feelings towards any particular Guild. I have friends that I party with frequently from other Guilds such as Chooberry, Mystic, Nero, RuAwakex, Terry Storm, Spirt of S_____, Nikki Sixx, etc. I'm proud to call them my friends and know that often when I need there help (or of course if they ever needed mine) that we would be there for each other. Now before this gets too sappy, my POINT is that I would be very interested to know about your findings. I respect you as a fair and honorable person and I would (personally at least) very much like to see your opinions about various Guilds. No pressure, just put together what you have gathered.
AFK is good and after some Leadership changes is remaining stable it would so seem which is great. Celestial Eclipse also seems a nice choice from what little I know of them even though FoH is allied with them.
Anyway, whatever you decide I hope that you enjoy yourself as best you can and know that we'll love you regardless.

Also tacos are awesome.
On a creepy/interesting/fun note/reminder as I think I have already told you before, my girlfriend is also named Danielle and is currently 24. Freeeeeaky. Haven't gotten her to play on heRO though. Not that she doesn't like RO, no she loves it..just hasn't felt like it yet. Not sure what will happen if she does and you two meet. Oh snap, divide by 0!
(Also to Mystic, sorry I didn't answer you in game there, was taking out my contacts and feeding the cat. Glad you love the Gurren Lagann Avatar, ha ha.)