Agreed, just about the largest reason to actually mine is for the lvl 4 stones that you get while doing it, which indeed is why the market prices for them is set at the price that it is. (15~40k yes, 30k often) which few can complain about.
When I first joined, I wanted to do everything there was...I still do of course, but the Mining Hat is one of those that I have put on hold. I teamed up with a friend to make it, and we made 1 Pure Ore, then of course, got talking with people (largely TPC I believe) and she kinda stopped mining as much, as did I as I took my 2 months off. Since I've been back I just haven't felt like going back as it's true, it takes a big chunk of time out of a day to do it. Thankfully after a long time of struggling with the Teddies over the months, I'm now able to 1-hit kill them every time (woot for high HIT), which greatly speeds up my clearing out of the surrounding area.
The issue of mining being more profitable for me used to be a no-brainer. Um, DUH it's more profitable....but that was before I was high lvled with better and better gear like I have now. Indeed now for the time spend, I indeed could surely farm it at some other place. Of course it still goes back to the Level 4 Weapon Stones that make it worth it....ish.
I do still plan to go back to finish, I've been hoping that the hat wasn't as poor as people have been saying..but this more than confirms that it is true. I actually do not have a Fishing Hat either truth be said, but I do have around 30some fishing bottles saved up (I refuse to get it by buying them from others, even though I can afford it now.

) and I haven't been fishing as much the last 3~4 months from when I first started.
Don't get me wrong, I love fishing and mining very much, they helped HUGELY to build up my funds when I was just starting out and I will be forever grateful for that----however, what truly IS the point of that Mining Hat if it improves things so very minimally? Is it simply a long-long term goal for those that mine a lot and it's like "Lol, back to mining." sort of deal or is it actually meant to improve things as much as the Fishing Hat seems to?
Not only that it takes so long to mine it up, but that there is a chance to fail---I think Weapon summed it up well. As far as he knows (and from how hard it is, I'm prone to believe him) only 3 hats have been made since they came out.(Which, when DID it come out?) It takes 10..TEN Pure Orichalum to get the hat. Assuming you never fail in making a pure, that's 50 Rough Orichalum needed. Just mine hardcore for a week and you'll see how crazy it really is. Perhaps the GM's have big plans for this in the future (and I'm sure they have something) but again, from what I hear about how good the Fish Hat is it's incredibly...well, lame to be honest. Less Stones (as in the useless ones), now THAT I would love..but breaking picks less at a small chance? It takes so long to mine down there that by the time you have enough to MAKE the hat (and if you mined them all yourself, you will NOT be poor (if you have saved up fairly)) the POINT of getting the hat will be greatly lost as you will have enough to buy the lvl 4 ores. I hope that last bit made sense.
Anyway, we'll see where this topic goes.