READ CARFULLY: Unfortunately an error has been made and the card is now on a ToH Generation 2 Wings, that's still a very good gear but remains untransferable without a GM-Service. I will pay for the transfer and Allegiance switch if needed.(please don't post any comment about the card being inserted on wings)
SB: ANY Min Increase: 5m Minimum closing bid: 90Mz total value*
Trading list: +0 Variant Shoes (40Mz)
+7~8 Veteran Hammer (15~20 Mz)
ToH Wings (20Mz/gen)
ToH Voucher (20Mz)
*Equips included in the trade will be prioritized
Tought I will pay for my wings transfer, If you include ToH items to the trade I'll ask you to pay it or put a 10Mz
I do what I can.
"*gasp* You have HOW many of that item?"
I'm freaking Kalain baby. Accept no substitutes.
Kalain - Lord Knight 99/69
Bomoke - Blacksmith - 8x/4x
bool freeTime = false;
(To everyone. I haven't been on much, and I didn't really give much of a goodbye because I've been in contact with some people. Do message me on Yahoo or MSN if you like. I'll come back..just not ready yet.)
Yuzuhara --High Priest--
Shangri --Lord Knight--
Hajima --Paladin--
Nahual --Clown--
Right Shot Mastert --Sniper--
Blyxx --AssassinCross--
Suicine --Whitesmith--
Suicea --Star Gladiator--
Hariberu --High Wizard--
(Take in mind i share my acounts with another belgium Idiot)
(This post was last modified: 01-10-2011, 12:50 PM by Thomaske.)