Posting Freak
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RE: Auction: Sunday, January 23rd, 2011 at 7:00pm
gah it's such a genius option that i motion to put that option into EVERY auction!!! (or at least every 3 months or so, just to keep the price range at an opportune level)
as you all may know, i'm ambivalent about pvp, but there is a very good reasoning why such an option is very good for the server;
1. it sinks zeny from the auction itself
2. it reduces the amount of zeny put into the economy by players who play more or less as efficiently as a bot would if it were looking for zeny
and following that reasoning, here is a very good reason why HW is a better choice than abbey:
1. people will level anyway, and if anything abbey 3 at least forces people to party. So no matter how mindless it is, it couldn't possibly be more mindless than doing HWs or even anubis (for priests).
2. moar zeny and moar inflation hurts the server more than more high lvled players
3. moar zeny and moar inflation are also somewhat less advantageous to older/"set" players because it means that people have been farming zeny without farming "useful" items or cards that might interest (if any) the older players' money. Furthermore, higher lvled chars with low zeny have been known to be "useful" to older/"set" players because in terms of WOE (and certain high end pvm -i know of at least 1 person who does this), higher level players can be cannon fodder/meat shields/ pawns for you to utilize as you like. Them being penniless even makes it seem as if you're the nice guy for lending out gears etc. Added value, information asymmetry, yadda yadda yadda...
1. bid high
2. go nuts
3. pick HWs
4. ???
5. PROFIT!!!
01-20-2011, 11:07 PM |
Thank you, all. <3
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RE: Auction: Sunday, January 23rd, 2011 at 7:00pm
and following that reasoning, here is a very good reason why abbey is a better choice than HW:
1) HW has no MVP on it, and therefore is not an option.
1. bid high
2. go nuts
3. pick HWs
4. Get told you can't, and have to pick another map.
5. Go "Damnit" when you realise how much zeny you spent for something you can't have.
6. ???
7. PROFIT!!!
Gone! Thanks for the memories.
01-21-2011, 03:42 AM |
Rurouni Kalain
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RE:??Auction: Sunday, January 23rd, 2011 at 7:00pm
Matrim Cauthon Jr Wrote:I'd choose Toy Factory 2 just because it's offbeat.
Your FACE is offbeat. Ooooh burn!
Lol, really putting it there would just be a waste..though, as long as people knew, they could travel there for the lols of it.
Actually that raises the question. Say they (whoever wins it) picks Nameless lvl 3..and SOMEHOW a party changes the way they do things (I know, change? Pfft, impossible right?) so they don't kill each other right and left. This would mean it's a free EXP for them down there as no EXP loss on death in PvP mode right? I'm sure it wouldn't be easy, but the sheer challenge of figuring out how to do it would be fun in and of itself.
Interesting side note...I have never Hillwinded. I didn't know about it after my 15month break from RO getting back and I have so very few characters so it hasn't been needed. For zeny perhaps, but considering that eventually I likely will and it will get old, I decided to save it for then and not force it. Like a fine wine. Let it age. Yes, I know that makes little sense, I just felt like saying it.
Also lols at Circe.
I do what I can.
"*gasp* You have HOW many of that item?"
I'm freaking Kalain baby. Accept no substitutes.
Kalain - Lord Knight 99/69
Bomoke - Blacksmith - 8x/4x
bool freeTime = false;
(To everyone. I haven't been on much, and I didn't really give much of a goodbye because I've been in contact with some people. Do message me on Yahoo or MSN if you like. I'll come back..just not ready yet.)
(This post was last modified: 01-21-2011, 04:26 AM by Rurouni Kalain.)
01-21-2011, 04:21 AM |
Matrim Cauthon Jr
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RE: Auction: Sunday, January 23rd, 2011 at 7:00pm
I think if this option will return then we need to pass a rule that the same map can't be chosen repeatedly.
And making it any map could be amusing.
Personally I'd say put it in Gorge, or Nidhogg 1.
01-21-2011, 09:59 AM |
I'm around... somewhere
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RE: Auction: Sunday, January 23rd, 2011 at 7:00pm
If it's gonna be like a PvP Zone, where its no exp loss, then that's just stupid imo. Then what's the point of having:
GM-Radiance Wrote:-Killer Instinct: A choice of 1 map that contains an MVP, for 1 week will be??PVP enabled on it, allowing PKing on the said map. Enter at your own risk!
Plus, it doesn't specify whether it'll be like PK servers where PKing is allowed on any map with exp loss, or like a PvP arena, like what we have. =\
01-21-2011, 10:03 AM |