i will make this brief description then.
1.) when tissue damage occurs, imune response release all sorts of chemicals.
2.) these chemicals trips off the nerve sensors which acts as damge detection device. we call these pain receptors.
3.) a chemical called bradikin cause the nerce cells to depolarise and create a potential difference between the membranes by opening the sodium channel and sends a signal down the axons (like cables in our nervous system)
4.) depending on where the damge is, some can feel like sharp, prickly to deep burning and aching.
5.) the nerve gate acts like a switch, if the signal going through the touch receptors is stronger than the pain receptors then the pain apears weak because the gate closes. and vice versa. which is why sometimes in olden days wounded soldiers are made to bite on something when anaesthetic isnt available. it is simply to flood the nerve with touch perception signals to shut the pain gate.
6.) when this signal reaches the spinal column, this signal is sent to the brain via the anterior spinothalamic pathway. this goes to the brain an hypothalamus which releases a flood of chemicals into the system to help with the pain.
7.) some of these chemicals include endorphine, enkephalins and the other body's natural opiates. how much of these chemicals are released can cause a vast variety of effects.
~~a.) people with higher pain tolerance release more of these chemicals.
~~b.) people who are addicted to pain (masochist) are adicted because of the inclusion of the chemical phenylethylamine, norepineprine, and dopamine which are all chemicals that is meant to be the reward sensation chemicals. these chemicals cause the activation of the brain segment that cause the pleasure sensation.
~~c.) the lack of the natural pain killer chemical released can cause a person to be sensitive to pain.
~~d.) too much released and it can shut the pain. which is why morphene is given to patients in severe pain to induce the flooding of the brain with these natural pain killers and shut the pain gate.
~~e.) when morphene is injected, it also cause the tiny amount of the pleasure chemicals dopamine and norepineprine to be amplified causing the "high" that people get when drugged out. prolong the situation and it can lead to addiction because the learning centre of the brain associate the drug with pleasure and learns the level of the chemical flood. therefore, when the daily routine of morphine injection is stopped the brain sends the "i need this chemical" signal and that is what drug craving is. (i do not know if it related to cravings during pregnancy, i assume there is)
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sorry for being picky. i was just playing around. being smart alecky once in a while doesnt hurt, does it?