Circe's girlfriends' girlfriend
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Joined: Jan 2011
January 2012 ToH Appreciation Thread
10x Remover
7x Agav
5x Ragged Zombie
3x Bradium Golem
1x Seyren
26 Genie's Lamp
40 Silk Shawl
36 Piece of armor
6 Smelly Cheese
4 Moon Jewel
20 minutes.
How many Cookie Bags are gained in the Silly Willy Quest? three/3
Drooping Bascojin gives access to what skill? magnificat/magnificat
Do you need 50 or 60 Allegiance Points to enter Trial of Heroes? fifty/50
What tames the Karakasa? golden geta/golden_geta
What equipment type does the Savage Card slot into? armor/armor
Number of Players: 57
Number of Dark: 26
Number of Light: 31
Winner of Mass Battle: Dark
That's right, first win of the year is Dark Allegiance.  Good job my brethren!
01-28-2012, 09:51 AM |
Thank you, all. <3
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Joined: Sep 2009
RE: January 2012 ToH Appreciation Thread
You don't seem to understand.
Glyph and I were sitting together in the center of the map, at the NPC who starts the waves.
There was also a couple of players there, who had finished the previous wave and were healing, etc.
All of us crashed.
The DC (from the crash), broke the timer, as Glyph was obviously no longer online, and he was the starter of the wave. This broke it. The amoutn of GMs on has no effect. It all relies on the starting GM. You'll have noticed that once it announced 30 seconds remaining, that it did not finish after that. And the next round did not start within those 30 seconds.
No us starting two at once (can we even do that?). The DC was the sole reason for it.
The trivia was to fill in some time. I don't see the issue with that. The trivia did not slow down the rate of fixing the waves.
TLDR; The issue was NOT caused from 2 waves being started at once. It was do to a broken timer due to Glyph DCing from a crash.
Gone! Thanks for the memories.
01-29-2012, 10:47 AM |
Thank you, all. <3
Posts: 2,414
Threads: 111
Joined: Sep 2009
RE: January 2012 ToH Appreciation Thread
We hadn't had this situation happen before. As such, we simply weren't aware of exactly how it would effect it.
Theoretically, it could have also worked fine from the new wave. Glyph would reset the timer upon starting a new wave, and previous one had had well past their 2 minutes and had exited, even though the announcement timers hadn't activated.
However, it comes back to the the DC broke it. Even if we had not attempted the next wave, we'd have still been in the exact same position. A broken ToH.
Attempting to continue is not what broke it. Even if wave 3 worked fine, or didn't happen at all, round 2 still had issues from the DC-crash.
As the DC happened while the wave was still in progress, if you exited the room alive, or killed all mobs and exited alive in the ~1min between (and remember this is phase 4. This is very likely), then those people would not have received their points.
Thus, it was broken right from the DC-crash.
While hindsight is 20-20, it's exactly that. Hindsight.
If the situation were to occur again, as it did, if we knew not to try and continue and had explicit knowledge about how every part of the script worked, it would have still come down to the same result - calling Panda in when she was available.
Thsi is all beginning to sound ridiculously conspiracy theorist. I'm not sure how it even got to a "GMs are secretly blaming a DC when it wasn't!" level. Glyph DCed. Timer broke. Tada. o.o
Gone! Thanks for the memories.
01-29-2012, 11:08 AM |