The PvP'ers have BG. What about use folk who just enjoy some good ole' PvM? Can we have a regular Monster Arena'ish kind of event? Something where parties of people can fight random waves of monsters/bosses for prizes or points for gears. Grinding in Nameless or Thor's or Thana fighting the same monsters over and over again gets tiresome. Having a regular PvM arena with different monsters would give non-PvP'ers a chance to test out their skill and gear against a different array of monsters and bosses and force people to work together.
Just a suggestion. Monster arena has been done successfully in other games. I think it would work in HeRO.
There are automated events that are PvM that aren't on heRo.??Closest one to the OP's description is Survival where teams have to survive x amount of waves of specific monsters.??Usually around Wave 4/5 Mini bosses and MVPs show up.
the DB rooms are more like PvP rooms where as there is no automated PvM version to the Battle Grounds.
To OP:??There is very little PvM support GM wise for the game as a whole.??You are better off making your own little events with parties or making a PvM Guild.??Survival is the only automated one I know of that isn't "make novice to play" kinda game.
I did just derped and forgot about Muspel Monday and Tower of Infinity...If we could get ways to freely open those like BG keys, that could balance some of it out for the OP, though I dunno specifically what the OP is looking for.
I don't really see a Monster Arena that supports Mini Bosses and MVP automatic spawning happening or working well in a Low Rate server. I'm sure that most High Rates have something like that.
We have Dice Invasions - PvM
Just tested a Light vs Dark Event in a WoE castle with monsters - PvM
Free DB rooms, where you can randomly have fun - PvM
We have Town Invasions - PvM
Infinity Tower - Like you said, PvM
Muspel Monday - Like you said, PvM
Orcus Dungeon - PvM * Added~
Fabre Tame and Zombie Tame, our automatic events don't fall in the category of PvM? We have 2 other automatic events in the making.
I'm wondering just where you think we lack Supporting PvM.. It not being an Automatic event, doesn't mean that PvM events don't happen.
Don't forget GM organized events or noble birthday events such as Run Hydro Run etc, other then PvP for prices pretty much all others are PvM orientated.
Time zone GTM+1
Kittie- 99/70 Brewer Creator Do a Little Dance 99/70 WoE Gypsy
We also have infinity tower- want to test your PvM on random waves of monsters and see if you can last the entire tower? Go to infinity tower. The prize for completing the tower are good drops, and single party control of MvP's in a controlled environment where there will be no mobs spawning on you to break up your killing.
Orcus Dungeon isn't random mobs as requested in the first post. Orcus dungeon is just a dungeon.
He doesn't want another dungeon, he wants a place where waves of random monsters show up and he has to survive. He's looking for a survival game where you're getting hit with random elements and random attributes at all angles wave after wave, not siting in Thors with stacked fire resists and laughing at monsters as they try to fireball you.