For those that missed last months challenge between the light and dark side; Lady Thea and Sir Melot got in a small argument about which side is stronger inside the castles at WoE times, so they set up a small tournament inside a closed WoE castle to see which side was stronger. With a win of 2-1, dark side progressed the furthest and showed that they were the stronger side, but only in the month of September. The score has been reset, and the rewards this month even include a prize for the winning side directly related to October's ToH.
The times for this event are as follows-
Thursday 11th- 7pm server time- dark side goes first
Saturday 13th- 11am server time- light side goes first
Tuesday 16th- midnight server time- dark side goes first
The rules are the same as before:
- The event will be announced before you are to gather north of the Prontera fountain multiple times before the event starts, giving you ample time to gather together and party together. However, once the event starts, those who are there on time are part of it, and no warps or recalls will be given to those who show up late.
- Once the event starts, no GM powers will be used. There will be no resurrections given, no monsters killed, and no one recalled. If you respawn, that is your own problem and I strongly suggest the no death client to avoid that mistake.
- Yes, we are aware that this is during BG times. You must make the choice of which event that you would like to go to. If you choose to go to BG, do not expect to get a warp back to the event. You will have to make a choice, you can not get everything.
- The winner of each of the 3 rounds is determined by how far people make it in the castle AND how many monsters that are cleared. If there is a tie in points, whoever reached that point amount faster is the winner of that round.
- The event is not timed, if your side wants to portal jump for 2 hours, you have that ability to do so. To prevent this from happening, some monsters do not have spawn counters on them, the longer you wait, the more they summon their mobs making it that much harder to progress through the castle.
- Although this is held in a castle, WOE reductions and skill limitations are not there. Fish are usable, and skills will do full damage.
There have been a few changes made-
-This will be held in a new (closed) castle for October.
-There will be a direct reward for the winner in October's ToH, that will be announced during ToH.
- The ice wall bug should be fixed.
- The GM running the event will not be in charge of keeping track of who is light and who is dark. If you want to help out the opposite side, you can do that, just let it be known that you're only hurting your own prizes during ToH. I strongly suggest that party leaders and players involved sort through members. Easy solutions are palates and/or gears, but I will not require that, it's purely player based on sorting out who is light and who is dark. Also- dark and light leaders are also given full permission to come to the organization of the other group's parties to make sure that none of their side have decided to change sides and help out your opponents.

Good luck to everyone, and I look forward to seeing which side wins this month!